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1 - CI / CD Integration

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Anchore Enterprise can be integrated into CI/CD pipelines such as Jenkins to secure the CI/CD pipeline by adding image scanning including not just CVE based security scans but policy based scans that can include checks around security, compliance and operational best practices.

As part of the CI/CD workflow images are submitted to the Anchore Enterprise for analysis. If an image does not pass the policy checks then the build can be failed.

Images that pass the policy check can be promoted to the production registry.

Some users may implement a gating workflow where policy violations fail the build, other users may prefer to allow the build to proceed but provide a warning to the developer and operations team about the violations present in the image.

A plugin is available for Jenkins that supports Freestyle jobs and Pipeline jobs.

For other CI/CD systems Integration is as simple as making two API or CLI calls to the system

  1. Submit image for analysis
  2. Retrieve image policy status.

These calls can be made using the Anchore CLI or through the Anchore REST API.

1.1 - CircleCI

Integrating Anchore Enterprise into your CircleCI pipeline can be accomplished seamlessly using the official Anchore Orb.

Orb source code & usage examples can be found on our GitHub Repository.

To read more about CircleCI orbs, view the official documentation - CircleCi Orbs

1.2 - Jenkins

We keep the latest Anchore/Jenkins integration documentation hosted alongside the official Anchore Jenkins plugin module, here.

1.3 - GitHub

Image Scanning can be easily integrated into your GitHub Actions pipeline using the official Anchore Scan Action.

Documentation on how to use the action can be found in the official GitHub repository anchore scan-action

Check out our Anchore Scan Action webinar demo

1.4 - GitLab

Adding Anchore Scanning to GitLab

The Anchore Enterprise GitLab Scan integration enables vulnerability scanning via Anchore Enterprise in GitLab CI. This includes automatic conversion from the Anchore default vulnerability report format to GitLab’s container scanning format, for display in the GitLab Security & Compliance Vulnerability UI.


  1. Anchore Enterprise is deployed in your environment, with the API accessible from your GitLab CI environment.
  2. Credentials for your GitLab Container Registry are added to Anchore Enterprise, under the Anchore account that you intend to use with GitLab CI. See Registries. For information on what registry/credentials must be added to allow Anchore Enterprise to access your GitLab Container Registry, see


  1. In your GitLab project repository, ensure that the following variables are set in Settings > CI/CD > Variables:

This allows the integration to access your Anchore Enterprise depoyment. The ANCHORECTL_PASSWORD variable should have protected and masked options set to prevent exposure of the variable in job logs.

  1. In your project’s .gitlab-ci.yml, include the following snippet anywhere in your CI flow after your target container image has been built and pushed to the GitLab Container Registry that you have made accessible from your Anchore Enterprise deployment.
  stage: test
    - anchore-gitlab-scan > gl-container-scanning-report.json
      container_scanning: gl-container-scanning-report.json
  1. After a successful scan, results will be available for review and management using GitLab’s native security features. Navigate to your project’s Security & Compliance > Vulnerability Report UI to review any discovered vulnerabilities in your container image.


For this example, we’ll add two sections to the GitLab CI .gitlab-ci.yml file; the first runs Docker to build an image and push it to the GitLab Container Registry for the project. The second runs Anchore Enterprise vulnerability scanning on the image and converts the output to GitLab’s container scanning format.

Add Dockerfile and .gitlab-ci.yml To Your GitLab Project

Example Dockerfile:

FROM alpine:latest

CMD /bin/sh

Example .gitlab-ci.yml:

# Build our image and push it to our project's container repo
  stage: build
  image: docker:19.03.12
    DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR: "/certs"
    - docker:19.03.12-dind
  # See note below on Access Tokens for authenticating to the GitLab Container Registry
    - docker pull $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:latest || true
    - docker build --cache-from $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:latest --tag $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:$CI_COMMIT_SHA --tag $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:latest .
    - docker push $CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:latest

# Scan with Anchore Enterprise and convert the results for GitLab's native security display
  stage: test
    - anchore-gitlab-scan > gl-container-scanning-report.json
      container_scanning: gl-container-scanning-report.json

Expand Variables

Set Or Edit Anchore Variables

Set Variables

Trigger GitLab CI

Make a change in the repository that will trigger GitLab CI so that your pipeline runs.

Then, navigate to CI/CD > Pipelines, where you can see details of your pipelines:

CI/CD > Pipelines

Review Scan Report

Navigate to Security & Compliance > Vulnerability Report to view the scan results:

Vulnerability Report

Access Tokens

Authentication with the GitLab Container Registry can use a personal access token or a deploy token. Please see GitLab’s documentation on authentication options.

2 - Kubernetes Integration

For installation see - Kubernetes Installation

Anchore Enterprise can be integrated with Kubernetes to ensure that only certified images are started within a Kubernetes POD.

Kubernetes can be configured to use an Admission Controller to validate that the container image is compliant with the user’s policy.

The admission controller can be configured to make a webhook call into Anchore Enterprise. Anchore Enterprise exports a Kubernetes-specific API endpoint and will return the pass of fail response in the form of an ImageReview response.

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This approach allows the Kubernetes system to make the final decision on running an container image and does not require installation of any per-node plugins into Kubernetes.

Using native Kubernetes features allows this approach to be used in both on-prem and cloud hosted Kubernetes environments.

3 - Registry Integrations

Image Registry Integrations

It makes sense in many cases to integrate a container scanner directly into the container registry so that results are visible directly to the image consumers that may or may not have access to Anchore directly.

Anchore is able to scan images from nearly all image registries, but here we curate a list of registries for which there is a direct integration with Anchore such that the registry can either directly initiate scans on Anchore and/or present those results directly to its users.