# All-in-one docker-compose deployment of a full anchore-enterprise service system --- version: '2.1' volumes: anchore-db-volume: # Set this to 'true' to use an external volume. In which case, it must be created manually with "docker volume create anchore-db-volume" external: false feeds-workspace-volume: # Set this to 'true' to use an external volume. In which case, it must be created manually with "docker volume create feeds-workspace-volume" external: false enterprise-feeds-db-volume: # Set this to 'true' to use an external volume. In which case, it must be created manually with "docker volume create enterprise-feeds-db-volume" external: false services: # The primary API endpoint service api: image: docker.io/anchore/enterprise:v2.4.1 depends_on: - anchore-db - catalog volumes: - ./license.yaml:/license.yaml:ro #- ./config-engine.yaml:/config/config.yaml:z ports: - "8228:8228" logging: driver: "json-file" options: max-size: 100m environment: - ANCHORE_ENDPOINT_HOSTNAME=api - ANCHORE_DB_HOST=anchore-db - ANCHORE_DB_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword - ANCHORE_AUTHZ_HANDLER=external - ANCHORE_EXTERNAL_AUTHZ_ENDPOINT=http://rbac-authorizer:8228 - ANCHORE_ENABLE_METRICS=false - ANCHORE_LOG_LEVEL=INFO # Uncomment both ANCHORE_OAUTH_ENABLED and ANCHORE_AUTH_SECRET to enable SSO feature of anchore-enterprise #- ANCHORE_OAUTH_ENABLED=true #- ANCHORE_AUTH_SECRET=supersharedsecret command: ["anchore-enterprise-manager", "service", "start", "apiext"] # Catalog is the primary persistence and state manager of the system catalog: image: docker.io/anchore/enterprise:v2.4.1 depends_on: - anchore-db volumes: - ./license.yaml:/license.yaml:ro #- ./config-engine.yaml:/config/config.yaml:z logging: driver: "json-file" options: max-size: 100m expose: - 8228 environment: - ANCHORE_ENDPOINT_HOSTNAME=catalog - ANCHORE_DB_HOST=anchore-db - ANCHORE_DB_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword - ANCHORE_ENABLE_METRICS=false - ANCHORE_LOG_LEVEL=INFO - ANCHORE_CATALOG_NOTIFICATION_INTERVAL_SEC=0 # Uncomment both ANCHORE_OAUTH_ENABLED and ANCHORE_AUTH_SECRET to enable SSO feature of anchore-enterprise #- ANCHORE_OAUTH_ENABLED=true #- ANCHORE_AUTH_SECRET=supersharedsecret command: ["anchore-enterprise-manager", "service", "start", "catalog"] queue: image: docker.io/anchore/enterprise:v2.4.1 depends_on: - anchore-db - catalog volumes: - ./license.yaml:/license.yaml:ro #- ./config-engine.yaml:/config/config.yaml:z expose: - 8228 logging: driver: "json-file" options: max-size: 100m environment: - ANCHORE_ENDPOINT_HOSTNAME=queue - ANCHORE_DB_HOST=anchore-db - ANCHORE_DB_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword - ANCHORE_ENABLE_METRICS=false - ANCHORE_LOG_LEVEL=INFO # Uncomment both ANCHORE_OAUTH_ENABLED and ANCHORE_AUTH_SECRET to enable SSO feature of anchore-enterprise #- ANCHORE_OAUTH_ENABLED=true #- ANCHORE_AUTH_SECRET=supersharedsecret command: ["anchore-enterprise-manager", "service", "start", "simplequeue"] policy-engine: image: docker.io/anchore/enterprise:v2.4.1 depends_on: - anchore-db - catalog volumes: - ./license.yaml:/license.yaml:ro #- ./config-engine.yaml:/config/config.yaml:z expose: - 8228 logging: driver: "json-file" options: max-size: 100m environment: - ANCHORE_ENDPOINT_HOSTNAME=policy-engine - ANCHORE_DB_HOST=anchore-db - ANCHORE_DB_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword - ANCHORE_ENABLE_METRICS=false - ANCHORE_LOG_LEVEL=INFO # Uncomment the following ANCHORE_FEEDS_* environment variables (and uncomment the feeds db and service sections at the end of this file) to use the on-prem feed service #- ANCHORE_FEEDS_URL=http://feeds:8228/v1/feeds #- ANCHORE_FEEDS_CLIENT_URL=null #- ANCHORE_FEEDS_TOKEN_URL=null # Uncomment the next variable in addition to enabling the on-prem feed service just above, to enable syncing of the MSRC data feeds for windows scanning support. #- ANCHORE_FEEDS_MICROSOFT_ENABLED=true # Uncomment both ANCHORE_OAUTH_ENABLED and ANCHORE_AUTH_SECRET to enable SSO feature of anchore-enterprise #- ANCHORE_OAUTH_ENABLED=true #- ANCHORE_AUTH_SECRET=supersharedsecret command: ["anchore-enterprise-manager", "service", "start", "policy_engine"] analyzer: image: docker.io/anchore/enterprise:v2.4.1 depends_on: - anchore-db - catalog expose: - 8228 logging: driver: "json-file" options: max-size: 100m environment: - ANCHORE_ENDPOINT_HOSTNAME=analyzer - ANCHORE_DB_HOST=anchore-db - ANCHORE_DB_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword - ANCHORE_ENABLE_METRICS=false - ANCHORE_LOG_LEVEL=INFO # Uncomment both ANCHORE_OAUTH_ENABLED and ANCHORE_AUTH_SECRET to enable SSO feature of anchore-enterprise #- ANCHORE_OAUTH_ENABLED=true #- ANCHORE_AUTH_SECRET=supersharedsecret volumes: - ./license.yaml:/license.yaml:ro - /analysis_scratch #- ./config-engine.yaml:/config/config.yaml:z command: ["anchore-enterprise-manager", "service", "start", "analyzer"] anchore-db: image: "postgres:9" volumes: - anchore-db-volume:/var/lib/postgresql/data environment: - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword expose: - 5432 logging: driver: "json-file" options: max-size: 100m healthcheck: test: ["CMD-SHELL", "pg_isready -U postgres"] rbac-authorizer: image: docker.io/anchore/enterprise:v2.4.1 volumes: - ./license.yaml:/license.yaml:ro #- ./config-enterprise.yaml:/config/config.yaml:z depends_on: - anchore-db - catalog expose: - 8089 logging: driver: "json-file" options: max-size: 100m environment: - ANCHORE_ENDPOINT_HOSTNAME=rbac-authorizer - ANCHORE_DB_HOST=anchore-db - ANCHORE_DB_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword - ANCHORE_ENABLE_METRICS=false - ANCHORE_LOG_LEVEL=INFO # Uncomment both ANCHORE_OAUTH_ENABLED and ANCHORE_AUTH_SECRET to enable SSO feature of anchore-enterprise #- ANCHORE_OAUTH_ENABLED=true #- ANCHORE_AUTH_SECRET=supersharedsecret command: ["anchore-enterprise-manager", "service", "start", "rbac_authorizer"] rbac-manager: image: docker.io/anchore/enterprise:v2.4.1 volumes: - ./license.yaml:/license.yaml:ro #- ./config-enterprise.yaml:/config/config.yaml:z depends_on: - anchore-db - catalog ports: - "8229:8228" logging: driver: "json-file" options: max-size: 100m environment: - ANCHORE_ENDPOINT_HOSTNAME=rbac-manager - ANCHORE_DB_HOST=anchore-db - ANCHORE_DB_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword - ANCHORE_AUTHZ_HANDLER=external - ANCHORE_EXTERNAL_AUTHZ_ENDPOINT=http://rbac-authorizer:8228 - ANCHORE_ENABLE_METRICS=false - ANCHORE_LOG_LEVEL=INFO # Uncomment both ANCHORE_OAUTH_ENABLED and ANCHORE_AUTH_SECRET to enable SSO feature of anchore-enterprise #- ANCHORE_OAUTH_ENABLED=true #- ANCHORE_AUTH_SECRET=supersharedsecret command: ["anchore-enterprise-manager", "service", "start", "rbac_manager"] reports: image: docker.io/anchore/enterprise:v2.4.1 volumes: - ./license.yaml:/license.yaml:ro #- ./config-enterprise.yaml:/config/config.yaml:z depends_on: - anchore-db - catalog ports: - "8558:8228" logging: driver: "json-file" options: max-size: 100m environment: - ANCHORE_ENDPOINT_HOSTNAME=reports - ANCHORE_DB_HOST=anchore-db - ANCHORE_DB_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword - ANCHORE_ENABLE_METRICS=false - ANCHORE_AUTHZ_HANDLER=external - ANCHORE_EXTERNAL_AUTHZ_ENDPOINT=http://rbac-authorizer:8228 - ANCHORE_LOG_LEVEL=INFO # Uncomment both ANCHORE_OAUTH_ENABLED and ANCHORE_AUTH_SECRET to enable SSO feature of anchore-enterprise #- ANCHORE_OAUTH_ENABLED=true #- ANCHORE_AUTH_SECRET=supersharedsecret command: ["anchore-enterprise-manager", "service", "start", "reports"] notifications: image: docker.io/anchore/enterprise:v2.4.1 volumes: - ./license.yaml:/license.yaml:ro #- ./config-enterprise.yaml:/config/config.yaml:z depends_on: - anchore-db - catalog ports: - "8668:8228" logging: driver: "json-file" options: max-size: 100m environment: - ANCHORE_ENDPOINT_HOSTNAME=notifications - ANCHORE_DB_HOST=anchore-db - ANCHORE_DB_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword - ANCHORE_ENABLE_METRICS=false - ANCHORE_AUTHZ_HANDLER=external - ANCHORE_EXTERNAL_AUTHZ_ENDPOINT=http://rbac-authorizer:8228 - ANCHORE_LOG_LEVEL=INFO - ANCHORE_ENTERPRISE_UI_URL=http://localhost:3000 # Uncomment both ANCHORE_OAUTH_ENABLED and ANCHORE_AUTH_SECRET to enable SSO feature of anchore-enterprise #- ANCHORE_OAUTH_ENABLED=true #- ANCHORE_AUTH_SECRET=supersharedsecret command: ["anchore-enterprise-manager", "service", "start", "notifications"] ui-redis: image: "docker.io/library/redis:4" expose: - 6379 logging: driver: "json-file" options: max-size: 100m healthcheck: test: ["CMD-SHELL", "redis-cli PING"] ui: image: docker.io/anchore/enterprise-ui:v2.4.1 volumes: - ./license.yaml:/license.yaml:ro #- ./config-ui.yaml:/config/config-ui.yaml:z depends_on: - api - ui-redis - anchore-db ports: - "3000:3000" logging: driver: "json-file" options: max-size: 100m environment: - ANCHORE_ENGINE_URI=http://api:8228/v1 - ANCHORE_RBAC_URI=http://rbac-manager:8228/v1 - ANCHORE_REDIS_URI=redis://ui-redis:6379 - ANCHORE_APPDB_URI=postgres://postgres:mysecretpassword@anchore-db:5432/postgres - ANCHORE_REPORTS_URI=http://reports:8228/v1 - ANCHORE_POLICY_HUB_URI=https://hub.anchore.io - ANCHORE_NOTIFICATIONS_URI=http://notifications:8228/v1 # Uncomment this section to add an on-prem feed service to this deployment. This will incur first-time feed sync delay, but is included for completeness / review of enterprise service deployment options # enterprise-feeds-db: # image: "postgres:9" # volumes: # - enterprise-feeds-db-volume:/var/lib/postgresql/data # environment: # - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword # expose: # - 5432 # logging: # driver: "json-file" # options: # max-size: 100m # healthcheck: # test: ["CMD-SHELL", "pg_isready -U postgres"] # feeds: # image: docker.io/anchore/enterprise:v2.4.1 # volumes: # - feeds-workspace-volume:/workspace # - ./license.yaml:/license.yaml:ro # #- ./config-enterprise.yaml:/config/config.yaml:z # depends_on: # - enterprise-feeds-db # ports: # - "8448:8228" # logging: # driver: "json-file" # options: # max-size: 100m # environment: # - ANCHORE_ENDPOINT_HOSTNAME=feeds # - ANCHORE_DB_HOST=enterprise-feeds-db # - ANCHORE_DB_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword # - ANCHORE_ENABLE_METRICS=false # - ANCHORE_LOG_LEVEL=INFO # # Uncomment the following to enable Microsoft msrc driver. Follow https://portal.msrc.microsoft.com/en-us/developer to generate an API key # - ANCHORE_ENTERPRISE_FEEDS_MSRC_DRIVER_ENABLED=true # - ANCHORE_ENTERPRISE_FEEDS_MSRC_DRIVER_API_KEY=${ANCHORE_MSRC_KEY} # # Uncomment ANCHORE_ENTERPRISE_FEEDS_GITHUB_DRIVER_TOKEN for github driver. # # Generate token with https://github.com/settings/tokens/new?scopes=user,public_repo,repo,repo_deployment,repo:status,read:repo_hook,read:org,read:public_key,read:gpg_key # # and assign the value to environment variable # - ANCHORE_ENTERPRISE_FEEDS_GITHUB_DRIVER_TOKEN=${ANCHORE_GITHUB_KEY} # # Uncomment both ANCHORE_OAUTH_ENABLED and ANCHORE_AUTH_SECRET to enable SSO feature of anchore-enterprise # #- ANCHORE_OAUTH_ENABLED=true # #- ANCHORE_AUTH_SECRET=supersharedsecret # command: ["anchore-enterprise-manager", "service", "start", "feeds"] # # # Uncomment this section to add a prometheus instance to gather metrics. This is mostly for quickstart to demonstrate prometheus metrics exported # prometheus: # image: docker.io/prom/prometheus:latest # depends_on: # - api # volumes: # - ./anchore-prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml:z # logging: # driver: "json-file" # options: # max-size: 100m # ports: # - "9090:9090" # # # Uncomment this section to run a swagger UI service, for inspecting and interacting with the anchore engine API via a browser (http://localhost:8080 by default, change if needed in both sections below) # swagger-ui-nginx: # image: docker.io/nginx:latest # depends_on: # - api # - swagger-ui # ports: # - "8080:8080" # volumes: # - ./anchore-swaggerui-nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:z # logging: # driver: "json-file" # options: # max-size: 100m # swagger-ui: # image: docker.io/swaggerapi/swagger-ui # environment: # - URL=http://localhost:8080/v1/swagger.json # logging: # driver: "json-file" # options: # max-size: 100m