Anchore Enterprise Feeds Advanced API Access

Anchore Enterprise Feeds offers a RESTful API.

API definition is documented using the OpenAPI/Swagger specification and can be accessed at: hostname:port/v1/swagger.json in a deployment or here

The API is read-only and does not require any authentication.

Feed Data API

Data is organized into ‘feeds’ and ‘groups’ within a given feed. A feed is a semantic grouping of data but allows different schemas for the data within each group of the feed and allows for finer-grained updates by allowing clients to select the data of interest.

Examples of feeds:

  • vulnerabilities - CVE data from upstream sources such as Debian, Red Hat, Alpine, Ubuntu, and Oracle
  • packages - Metadata and manifests for upstream application packages, such as and
  • nvd - NIST National Vulnerability Database records (CVEs)

Note: If the tech preview Grype vulnerability scanner is enabled, the grype feed will be the only feed synced. This feed replaces the other feeds and contains the groups records enabled for your Anchore Enterprise instance.

Following examples highlight the routes exposed by the service for querying feed data:

  • List the available feeds:

    $ curl -s ""
        "feeds": [
            "access_tier": 0,
            "description": "Feed record for type nvd",
            "name": "nvd"
            "access_tier": 0,
            "description": "Feed record for type vulnerabilities",
            "name": "vulnerabilities"
        "next_token": ""
  • List the groups available for vulnerability feed data:

    $ curl -s ""
        "groups": [
            "access_tier": 0,
            "description": "Group record for namespace: alpine:3.3 and feed type: vulnerabilities",
            "name": "alpine:3.3"
        "next_token": ""
  • Fetch the vulnerability feed data for debian:9 group:

    $ curl ""
        "data": [
            "Vulnerability": {
              "Description": "",
              "FixedIn": [],
              "Link": "",
              "Metadata": {
                "NVD": {
                  "CVSSv2": {
                    "Score": 6.4,
                    "Vectors": null
              "Name": "CVE-2004-1653",
              "NamespaceName": "debian:9",
              "Severity": "Negligible"
        "next_token": "MjAxOC0wMi0xNFQyMTowNToxNC40NjIwMjU="

Responses are paginated and return only up to 1000 records in each page. If there are more than 1000 records in the result set, the server responds with a truncated set of results and a marker encoded in next_token. The client must invoke the request with next_token as a path parameter to receive the next page of results and so on. An empty value for next_token is an indication that the service has exhausted the results for the query

$ curl ""

    "data": [
        "Vulnerability": {
          "Description": "",
          "FixedIn": [],
          "Link": "",
          "Metadata": {
            "NVD": {
              "CVSSv2": {
                "Score": 6.8,
                "Vectors": "AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:P/I:P"
          "Name": "CVE-2016-2811",
          "NamespaceName": "debian:9",
          "Severity": "Negligible"
    "next_token": "MjAxOC0wNC0yMVQwMzoyNjowNy4xMTYzNzI="

Tasks API

Anchore Feed Service provides a tasks API to track periodic execution of drivers processing feed data from upstream sources. Currently, there are two types of tasks

  • FeedSyncTask - A meta-task that contains the set of DriverExecutionTasks that are run for each periodic update check for upstream data. The task_id of the FeedSyncTask is used as the parent_task_id of its subtasks.
  • DriverExecutionTask - An execution of a single driver which may provide data for one or more feeds and multiple groups of data. The parent_task_id of each record points to the FeedSyncTask that initiated it.

The API can be used to fetch all tasks, a specific task or filter tasks using comma separated criteria. A few examples are listed below

  • List all tasks

    $ curl ""
        "driver_id": "nvddb",
        "end_time": "2018-02-14T20:00:32.955063+00:00",
        "feed_id": "nvd",
        "parent_task_id": 1,
        "start_time": "2018-02-14T19:54:18.065878+00:00",
        "started_by": "system",
        "status": "completed",
        "task_id": 2,
        "task_type": "DriverExecutionTask"
        "end_time": "2018-02-14T21:16:49.846366+00:00",
        "start_time": "2018-02-14T19:54:18.058655+00:00",
        "started_by": "system",
        "status": "completed",
        "task_id": 1,
        "task_type": "FeedSyncTask"
  • Get information about a specific task using its ID

    $ curl "
      "driver_id": "ubuntu",
      "end_time": "2019-10-17T07:16:05.900521+00:00",
      "feed_id": "vulnerabilities",
      "parent_task_id": 1,
      "result": {
        "changes": {
          "ubuntu:14.04": {
            "created": 73,
            "deleted": 0,
            "updated": 0
          "ubuntu:15.04": {
            "created": 29,
            "deleted": 0,
            "updated": 0
          "ubuntu:16.04": {
            "created": 73,
            "deleted": 0,
            "updated": 0
          "ubuntu:18.04": {
            "created": 73,
            "deleted": 0,
            "updated": 0
          "ubuntu:19.04": {
            "created": 73,
            "deleted": 0,
            "updated": 0
      "start_time": "2019-10-17T06:59:56.427552+00:00",
      "started_by": "system",
      "status": "completed",
      "task_id": 8,
      "task_type": "DriverExecutionTask"
  • Fetch a subset of tasks using filter query parameter

    • Format for the query parameter is filter=<parameter><operator><value>,...<parameterN><operatorN><valueN>
    • Supported filter parameters are feed_id, driver_id and task_type with = operator, and task_id with > or < operators.
    • For a detailed view of every task, add details=True to the query parameters
    $ curl ",task_id>470"
        "driver_id": "centos", 
        "end_time": "2018-05-06T17:41:54.304455+00:00", 
        "feed_id": "vulnerabilities", 
        "parent_task_id": 492, 
        "result": {
          "changes": {}
        "start_time": "2018-05-06T17:41:44.980816+00:00", 
        "started_by": "system", 
        "status": "completed", 
        "task_id": 495, 
        "task_type": "DriverExecutionTask"
        "driver_id": "centos", 
        "end_time": "2018-05-04T18:06:12.222140+00:00", 
        "feed_id": "vulnerabilities", 
        "parent_task_id": 474, 
        "result": {
          "changes": {
            "centos:7": {
              "created": 0, 
              "deleted": 0, 
              "updated": 1
        "start_time": "2018-05-04T18:06:02.787274+00:00", 
        "started_by": "system", 
        "status": "completed", 
        "task_id": 477, 
        "task_type": "DriverExecutionTask"