
Notifications to Jira are in the form of new issues in a project.


Do the following to receive Jira notifications.

  1. Provide the following required Jira account and project related information.
    • URL of the Jira project.
    • Username of the account for creating issues.
    • API token or password depending on the Jira project.
      • For Jira Cloud projects an API token is required. Follow instructions to create a new API token for the account creating issues.
      • For Jira Self-managed projects password of the account creating issues is required.
    • Project key, same as the prefix in the issue identifier. For instance, issue TEST-1 has the project key TEST.
    • Type of the issue created such as Bug, Task, Story, and so on.
    • (Optional) priority assigned to the issue such as Low, Medium, High, and so on.
    • (Optional) one or more labels to be assigned to the issue.
    • (Optional) Jira user to be assigned to the issue.
  2. Create a Jira endpoint configuration in the Notifications service either via Enterprise UI, or the API directly.
Last modified April 29, 2022