

Anchore Enterprise Reports aggregates data to provide insightful analytics and metrics for account-wide artifacts. The service employs GraphQL to expose a rich API for querying the aggregated data and metrics.

NOTE: This service captures a snapshot of artifacts in Anchore Enterprise at a given point in time. Therefore, analytics and metrics computed by the service are not in real time, and may not reflect most up-to-date state in Anchore Enterprise.


Anchore Enterprise Reports is included with Anchore Enterprise, and is installed by default when deploying a trial quickstart with Docker Compose, or a production deployment Kubernetes.

How it works

One of the main functions of Anchore Enterprise Reports is aggregating data. The service keeps a summary of all current and historical images and tags for every account known to Anchore Enterprise. It also maintains vulnerability reports and policy evaluations generated using the active bundle for all the images and tags respectively.

WARNING: Anchore Enterprise Reports shares a persistence layer with Anchore Enterprise. Ensure sufficient storage is provisioned.


Anchore Enterprise Reports service loads it’s configuration from the reports section of the config.yaml. The following is a snippet:

    enabled: true
    require_auth: true
    endpoint_hostname: "<hostname>"
    listen: ''
    port: 8228
    # GraphiQL is a GUI for editing and testing GraphQL queries and mutations.
    # Set enable_graphiql to true and open http://<host>:<port>/v2/reports/graphql in a browser for reports API
    enable_graphiql: true
    # Set enable_data_ingress to true for periodically syncing data from anchore engine into the reports service
    enable_data_ingress: true
      reports_data_load: 600 # images and tags synced every 10 minutes
      reports_data_refresh: 7200 # policy evaluations and vulnerabilities refreshed every 2 hours
      reports_metrics: 3600 # metrics generated every hour
    authorization_handler: external
      endpoint: "<rbac-authorizer-endpoint>"

NOTE: Any changes to the configuration requires a restart of the service for the updates to take effect.

In an Anchore Enterprise RBAC-enabled deployment, any non-admin account user must at least have listImages permission to execute queries against Reports API.

Data ingress

Reports service handles data ingress from Anchore Enterprise via the following asynchronous processes triggered periodically:

  • Loader: Compares the working set of images and tags in Anchore Enterprise with its own records. Based on the difference, images and tags along with the vulnerability report and policy evaluations are loaded into the service. Artifacts deleted from Anchore Enterprise are marked inactive in the service.

    This process is triggered periodically every 10 minutes (600 seconds). To modify the loader interval, update cycle_timers -> reports_data_load in the config.yaml snippet above. In a quickstart deployment, add ANCHORE_ENTERPRISE_REPORTS_DATA_LOAD_INTERVAL_SEC=<interval-in-seconds> to the environment variables section of the reports service in docker-compose.yaml.

  • Refresher: Refreshes the vulnerability report and policy evaluations of all the images and tags actively maintained by the service.

    This process is triggered periodically every 2 hours (7200 seconds). To modify the refresher interval, update cycle_timers -> reports_data_refresh in the config.yaml snippet above. In a quickstart deployment, add ANCHORE_ENTERPRISE_REPORTS_DATA_REFRESH_INTERVAL_SEC=<interval-in-seconds> to the environment variables section of the reports service in docker-compose.yaml.

WARNING: Reports service may miss updates to artifacts if they are added and deleted in between consecutive ingress processes.

Data ingress is enabled by default. It can be turned off with enable_data_ingress: false in the config.yaml snippet shown previously. In a quickstart deployment, add ANCHORE_ENTERPRISE_REPORTS_ENABLE_DATA_INGRESS=false to the environment variables section of the reports service in docker-compose.yaml. When the ingress is turned off, Reports service will no longer aggregate data from Anchore Enterprise, metric computations will also come to a halt. However, the service will continue to serve API requests/queries with the existing data.


Reports service comes loaded with a few pre-defined/canned metric definitions. A metric definition consists of an identifier, readable name, description and the type of the metric. The type is loosely based on statsd metric types. Currently, all the pre-defined metrics are of type ‘counter’ - a measure of the number of items that match certain criteria. A value for each of these metric definitions is computed using the data aggregated by the service.

All metric values are computed periodically every hour (3600 seconds). To modify the interval, update cycle_timers -> reports_metrics in the config.yaml snippet above. In a quickstart deployment, add ANCHORE_ENTERPRISE_REPORTS_METRICS_INTERVAL_SEC=<interval-in-seconds> to the environment variables section of the reports service in docker-compose.yaml.

See it in action

To see Reports service in the Enterprise UI, see Dashboard or Reports view. The dashboard view utilizes metrics generated by the service and renders customizable widgets. The reports view employs graphQL queries and aggregates the results into multiple formats (CSV, JSON, and so on).

For using the API directly, see API Access.

Last modified October 24, 2023