KeyCloak SAML Example

Configuring SAML SSO for Anchore with KeyCloak

The JBoss KeyCloak system is a widely used and open-source identity management system that supports integration with applications via SAML and OpenID Connect. It also can operate as an identity broker between other providers such as LDAP or other SAML providers and applications that support SAML or OpenID Connect.

The following is an example of how to configure a new client entry in KeyCloak and configure Anchore to use it to permit UI login by KeyCloak users that are granted access via KeyCloak configuration.

Configuring KeyCloak

Anchore supports multiple IDP configurations, each given a name. For this example we’ll choose the name “keycloak” for our configuration. This important as that name is used in several URL paths to ensure that the correct configuration is used for validating responses, so make sure you pick a name that is meaningful to your users (they will see it in the login screen) and also that is url friendly.

Some config choices and assumptions specifically for this example:

  1. Let’s assume that you are running Anchore Enterprise locally. Anchore Enterprise UI is available at: https://localhost:3000. Replace with the appropriate url as needed.
  2. We’re going to choose keycloak as the name of this saml/sso configuration within Anchore. This will identify the specific configuration and is used in urls.
  3. Based on that, the Single-SignOn URL for this deployment will be: https://localhost:3000/service/sso/auth/keycloak
  4. Our SP Entity ID will use the same url: http://localhost:3000/service/sso/auth/keycloak

Add a Client entry in KeyCloak

  1. See SAML Clients in KeyCloak documentation

  2. For this example, set the following values in “Add Client” screen (these are specific to the settings in this example described above):

    1. Client ID - http://localhost:3000/service/sso/auth/keycloak - This will be the SP Entity ID used in the Anchore configuration later
    2. Client Protocol: “saml”
    3. Client SAML Endpoint: “http://localhost:3000/service/sso/auth/keycloak”
  3. In the next screen, Client Settings

    Client Settings1

    1. Name - “Anchore Enterprise”. This is only used to display a friendly name to Keycloak users in the KeyCloak UI. Can use any name you like.

    2. Enabled - Select on

    3. Include Authn Statement - Select on

    4. Sign Documents - Select on

    5. Client Sign Authn Requests - Select Off

    6. Sign Assertions - Select off

    7. Encrypt Assertions - Select off

    8. Client Signature Required - Select off

    9. Force Post Binding - Select off. Anchore requires the HTTP Redirect Binding to work, so this setting must be off to enable that.

    10. Force Name ID Format - Select on

    11. Name ID Format - Select username or email (transient uses a generated UUID per login and persistent use the Keycloak user’s UUID)

    12. Root URL - Leave empty

    13. Valid Redirect URIs - Add http://localhost:3000/service/sso/auth/keycloak

    14. Base URL - Leave empty

    15. Master SAML Processing URL - http://localhost:3000/service/sso/auth/keycloak

    16. Fine Grain SAML Endpoint Configuration

      1. Assertion Consumer Service Redirect Binding URL - http://localhost:3000/service/sso/auth/keycloak
    17. Save the configuration

    Client Settings2

  4. Download the metadata xml to import into Anchore

    1. Select ‘Installation’ tab.
    2. Select Format
    • Keycloak <= 5.0.0
    1. Select Format Option - SAML Metadata IDPSSODescriptor Metadata XML
    • Keycloak 6.0.0+
    1. Select Format Option - Mod Auth Mellon files Mod Auth Mellon Files
    2. Unzip the downloaded .zip and locate idp-metadata.xml Metadata XML
    3. Download or copy the XML to save in the Anchore configuration

Configure Anchore Enterprise to use the KeyCloak

  1. You’ll need the following information from keycloak in order to configure the SAML record within Anchore:

  2. The name to use fo the configuration, in this example keycloak

  3. Metadata XML downloaded or copied from the previous section

  4. In the Anchore UI, create an SSO IDP Configuration:

  5. Login as admin

  6. Select “Configuration” Tab on the top

  7. Select “SSO” on the left-side menu

  8. Click “Let’s Add One” in the configuration listing

Anchore KeyCloak setup

  1. Enter the values:
    1. Name: “keycloak” - This is the name of the configuration and will be referenced in login and sso URLs, so we use the value chosen at the beginning of this example
    2. Enabled: True - This controls whether or not users will be able to login with this configuration. We’ll enable it for the example but can disable later if no longer needed.
    3. ACS HTTPS Port: -1 or 443 - This is the port to use for HTTPS to the ACS (Assertion Consumer Service, in this case the UI). It is only needed if you need to use a non-standard https port
    4. SP Entity ID: http://localhost:3000/service/sso/auth/keycloak (NOTE: this must match the Client ID you used for the Client in the KeyCloak setup
    5. ACS URL: http://localhost:3000/service/sso/auth/keycloak
    6. Default Account: keycloakusers for this example, but can be any account name (existing or not) that you’d like the users to be members of. See Mappings for more information on how this
    7. Default Role: read-write for this example so that the users have full access to the account to analyze images, setup policies, etc.
    8. IDP Metadata XML: Paste the downloaded or copied XML from KeyCloak in step 4.3 above
    9. Require Signed Assertions - Select off
    10. Require Signed Response - Select on
    11. Save the configuration

Anchore KeyCloak setup2

You should now see a ‘keycloak’ option in the login screen for the Anchore Enterprise UI. This will redirect users to login to the KeyCloak instance for their username/password and will create a new user in Anchore in the keycloakusers account with read-write role.

Last modified December 15, 2022