Analysis Archive Storage Configuration

For information on what the analysis archive is and how it works, see Concepts: Analysis Archive

The Analysis Archive is an object store with specific semantics and thus is configured as an object store using the same configuration options, just with a different config key: analysis_archive

Example configuration snippet for using the db for working set object store and S3 for the analysis archive:

      enabled: false
      min_size_kbytes: 100
      name: db
      config: {}      
        enabled: False
        min_size_kbytes: 100
        name: 's3'
          access_key: 'MY_ACCESS_KEY'
          secret_key: 'MY_SECRET_KEY'
          #iamauto: True
          url: ''
          region: False
          bucket: 'anchorearchive'
          create_bucket: True

Default Configuration

By default, if no analysis_archive config is found or the property is not present in the config.yaml, the analysis archive will use the object_store or archive (for backwards compatibility) config sections and those defaults (e.g. db if found).

Anchore stores all of the analysis archive objects in an internal logical bucket: analysis_archive that is distinct in the configured backends (e.g a key prefix in the s3 bucket or swift container)

Changing Configuration

Unless there are image analyses actually in the archive, there is no data to move if you need to update the configuration to use a different backend, but once an image analysis has been archived to update the configuration you must follow the object storage data migration process found here. As noted in that guide, if you need to migrate to/from an analysis_archive config you’ll need to use the –from-analysis-archive/–to-analysis-archive options as needed to tell the migration process which configuration to use in the source and destination config files used for the migration.

Common Configurations

  1. Single shared object store backend: omit the analysis_archive config, or set it to null or {}

  2. Different bucket/container: the object_store and analysis_archive configurations are both specified and identical with the exception of the bucket or container values for the analysis_archive so that its data is split into a different backend bucket to allow for lifecycle controls or cost optimization since its access is much less frequent (if ever).

  3. Primary object store in DB, analysis_archive in external S3/Swift: this keeps latency low as no external service is needed for the object store and active data but lets you use more scalable external object storage for archive data. This approach is most beneficial if you can keep the working set of images small and quickly transition old analysis to the archive to ensure the db is kept small and the analysis archive handles the data scaling over time.

Last modified April 29, 2022