Generating SBOMs for a Source Repository using AnchoreCTL

Use anchorectl to generate a software bill of materials (SBOM) and import a source repository artifact from a file location on disk. You can also get information about the source repository, investigate vulnerability packages by requesting vulnerabilities for a single analyzed source repository, or get any policy evaluations. The workflow would generally be as follows.

  1. Generate an SBOM. The format is similar to the following: syft <path> -o json > <resulting filename>.json For example:
$ syft dir:/path/to/your/source/code -o json > my_sbom.json
  1. Import the SBOM from a source with metadata. This would normally occur as part of a CI/CD pipeline, and the various metadata would be programmatically added via environment variables. The response from anchorectl includes the new ID of the Source in Anchore Enterprise. For example:
# anchorectl source add --branch test --author [email protected] --workflow-name default --workflow-timestamp 2002-10-02T15:00:00Z --from ./my_sbom.json
 ✔ Added Source                                                                
 ✔ Imported SBOM                                                                                         /tmp/s.json
  status:           not-analyzed (active)
  uuid:             fa416998-59fa-44f7-8672-dc267385e799
  vcs:              git
  branch:           test
  workflow:         default
  author:           [email protected]
  1. List the source repositories that you have sent to Anchore Enterprise. This command will allow the operator to list all available source repositories within the system and their current status.
# anchorectl source list
 ✔ Fetched sources
│ UUID                                 │ HOST       │ REPOSITORY          │ REVISION                                 │ ANALYSIS STATUS │ SOURCE STATUS │
│ fa416998-59fa-44f7-8672-dc267385e799 │ │ my-project          │ 12345                                    │ analyzed        │ active        │
  1. Fetch the uploaded SBOM for a source repository from Anchore Enterprise. The for this command is taken from the UUID(s) of the listed source repositories.
# anchorectl source sbom fa416998-59fa-44f7-8672-dc267385e799 -f /tmp/sbom.json
 ✔ Fetched SBOM
  1. Get detailed information about a source. For example:
# anchorectl source get fa416998-59fa-44f7-8672-dc267385e799
 ✔ Fetched source
Uuid: fa416998-59fa-44f7-8672-dc267385e799
Repository: my-project
Revision: 12345
Vcs Type: git
Metadata Records:
  - branchName: test
    changeAuthor: [email protected]
    ciWorkflowExecutionTime: "2002-10-02T15:00:00Z"
    ciWorkflowName: default
    uuid: ae5f6617-5ad5-47dd-81ca-8fcb10391fed
Analysis Status: analyzed
Source Status: active
  1. Use anchorectl to investigate vulnerability packages by requesting vulnerabilities for a single analyzed source repository. You can choose os, non-os, or all. For example:
# anchorectl source vulnerabilities fa416998-59fa-44f7-8672-dc267385e799
 ✔ Fetched vulnerabilities                   [48 vulnerabilities]                                                                                                                                                             fa416998-59fa-44f7-8672-dc267385e799
│ ID                  │ SEVERITY │ NAME       │ VERSION │ FIX    │ WILL NOT FIX │ TYPE │ FEED GROUP  │ URL                                               │
│ GHSA-p6xc-xr62-6r2g │ High     │ log4j-core │ 2.14.1  │ 2.17.0 │ false        │ java │ github:java │ │
│ GHSA-7rjr-3q55-vv33 │ Critical │ log4j-core │ 2.14.1  │ 2.16.0 │ false        │ java │ github:java │ │
│ GHSA-8489-44mv-ggj8 │ Medium   │ log4j-core │ 2.14.1  │ 2.17.1 │ false        │ java │ github:java │ │
│ CVE-2021-45105      │ Medium   │ log4j-api  │ 2.14.1  │ None   │ false        │ java │ nvd         │   │
  1. Use anchorectl to compute a policy evaluation for a source. For example:
# anchorectl source check fa416998-59fa-44f7-8672-dc267385e799
 ✔ Evaluated against policy                  [failed]                                                                                                                                                                         fa416998-59fa-44f7-8672-dc267385e799
Evaluation ID: 3e490750b404eb1b09baf019a4df3942
Source ID: fa416998-59fa-44f7-8672-dc267385e799
Repository: my-project
Policy ID: 2c53a13c-1765-11e8-82ef-23527761d060
Updated: 2022-08-30T15:58:24Z
Evaluation: fail

(Use -o json option to get more detailed output)

  1. Use anchorectl to delete any individual source repository artifacts from Anchore Enterprise. For example:
# anchorectl source delete fa416998-59fa-44f7-8672-dc267385e799
 ✔ Deleted source
Uuid: fa416998-59fa-44f7-8672-dc267385e799
Repository: my-project
Revision: 12345
Vcs Type: git
Metadata Records:
  - branchName: test
    changeAuthor: [email protected]
    ciWorkflowExecutionTime: "2002-10-02T15:00:00Z"
    ciWorkflowName: default
    uuid: ae5f6617-5ad5-47dd-81ca-8fcb10391fed
Analysis Status: analyzed
Source Status: deleting
Last modified October 27, 2023