Event Log


The event log subsystem provides the users with a mechanism to inspect asynchronous events occurring across various Anchore Enterprise services. Anchore events include periodically triggered activities such as vulnerability data feed syncs in the policy-engine service, image analysis failures originating from the analyzer service, and other informational or system fault events. The catalog service may also generate events for any repositories or image tags that are being watched, when the engine encounters connectivity, authentication, authorization or other errors in the process of checking for updates. The event log is aimed at troubleshooting most common failure scenarios (especially those that happen during asynchronous engine operations) and to pinpoint the reasons for failures, that can be used subsequently to help with corrective actions. Events can be cleared from anchore-engine in bulk or individually.

The Anchore events (drawn from the event log) can be accessed through the Anchore Enterprise API and AnchoreCTL, or can be emitted as webhooks if your Anchore Enterprise is configured to send webhook notifications. For API usage refer to the document on using the Anchore Enterprise API.

Accessing Events

The anchorectl command can be used to list events and filter through the results, get the details for a specific event and delete events matching certain criteria.

# anchorectl event --help
Event related operations

   event [command]

Available Commands:
  delete      Delete an event by its ID or set of filters
  get         Lookup an event by its event ID
  list        Returns a paginated list of events in the descending order of their occurrence

  -h, --help   help for event

Use " event [command] --help" for more information about a command.

For help regarding global flags, run --help on the root command

For a list of the most recent events:

anchorectl event list
 ✔ List events
│ UUID                             │ EVENT TYPE                                   │ LEVEL │ RESOURCE ID                                                             │ RESOURCE TYPE   │ SOURCE SERVICE │ SOURCE HOST        │ TIMESTAMP                   │
│ 8c179a3b27a543fe9285cf4feb65561d │ system.image_analysis.registry_lookup_failed │ error │ docker.io/alpine:3.4                                                    │ image_reference │ catalog        │ anchore-quickstart │ 2022-08-24T23:08:30.54001Z  │
│ 48c18a84575d45efbf5b41e0f3a87177 │ system.image_analysis.registry_lookup_failed │ error │ docker.io/alpine:latest                                                 │ image_reference │ catalog        │ anchore-quickstart │ 2022-08-24T23:08:30.510193Z │
│ f6084efd159c43a1a0518b6df5e58505 │ system.image_analysis.registry_lookup_failed │ error │ docker.io/alpine:3.12                                                   │ image_reference │ catalog        │ anchore-quickstart │ 2022-08-24T23:08:30.480625Z │
│ 4464b8f83df046388152067122c03610 │ system.image_analysis.registry_lookup_failed │ error │ docker.io/alpine:3.8                                                    │ image_reference │ catalog        │ anchore-quickstart │ 2022-08-24T23:08:30.450983Z │
│ 60f14821ff1d407199bc0bde62f537df │ system.image_analysis.restored_from_archive  │ info  │ sha256:89020cd33be2767f3f894484b8dd77bc2e5a1ccc864350b92c53262213257dfc │ image_digest    │ catalog        │ anchore-quickstart │ 2022-08-24T22:53:12.662535Z │
│ cd749a99dca8493889391ae549d1bbc7 │ system.analysis_archive.image_archived       │ info  │ sha256:89020cd33be2767f3f894484b8dd77bc2e5a1ccc864350b92c53262213257dfc │ image_digest    │ catalog        │ anchore-quickstart │ 2022-08-24T22:48:45.719941Z │

Note: Events are ordered by the timestamp of their occurrence, the most recent events are at the top of the list and the least recent events at the bottom.

There are a number of ways to filter the event list output (see anchorectl event list --help for filter options):

For troubleshooting events related to a specific event type:

# anchorectl event list --event-type system.analysis_archive.image_archive_failed
 ✔ List events
│ UUID                             │ EVENT TYPE                                   │ LEVEL │ RESOURCE ID  │ RESOURCE TYPE │ SOURCE SERVICE │ SOURCE HOST        │ TIMESTAMP                  │
│ 35114639be6c43a6b79d1e0fef71338a │ system.analysis_archive.image_archive_failed │ error │ nginx:latest │ image_digest  │ catalog        │ anchore-quickstart │ 2022-08-24T22:48:23.18113Z │

To filter events by level such as ERROR or INFO:

anchorectl event list --level info
 ✔ List events
│ UUID                             │ EVENT TYPE                                  │ LEVEL │ RESOURCE ID                                                             │ RESOURCE TYPE │ SOURCE SERVICE │ SOURCE HOST        │ TIMESTAMP                   │
│ 60f14821ff1d407199bc0bde62f537df │ system.image_analysis.restored_from_archive │ info  │ sha256:89020cd33be2767f3f894484b8dd77bc2e5a1ccc864350b92c53262213257dfc │ image_digest  │ catalog        │ anchore-quickstart │ 2022-08-24T22:53:12.662535Z │
│ cd749a99dca8493889391ae549d1bbc7 │ system.analysis_archive.image_archived      │ info  │ sha256:89020cd33be2767f3f894484b8dd77bc2e5a1ccc864350b92c53262213257dfc │ image_digest  │ catalog        │ anchore-quickstart │ 2022-08-24T22:48:45.719941Z │

Note: Event listing response is paginated, anchorectl displays the first 100 events matching the filters. For all the results use the –all flag.

All available options for listing events:

# anchorectl event list --help
Returns a paginated list of events in the descending order of their occurrence. Optional query parameters may be used for filtering results

   event list [flags]

      --all                    return all events (env: ANCHORECTL_EVENT_ALL)
      --before string          return events that occurred before the ISO8601 formatted UTC timestamp
                               (env: ANCHORECTL_EVENT_BEFORE)
      --event-type string      filter events by a prefix match on the event type (e.g. "user.image.")
                               (env: ANCHORECTL_EVENT_TYPE)
  -h, --help                   help for list
      --host string            filter events by the originating host ID (env: ANCHORECTL_EVENT_SOURCE_HOST_ID)
      --level string           filter events by the level - INFO or ERROR (env: ANCHORECTL_EVENT_LEVEL)
  -o, --output string          the format to show the results (allowable: [text json json-raw id]; env: ANCHORECTL_FORMAT) (default "text")
      --page int32             return the nth page of results starting from 1. Defaults to first page if left empty
                               (env: ANCHORECTL_PAGE)
      --resource-type string   filter events by the type of resource - tag, imageDigest, repository etc
                               (env: ANCHORECTL_EVENT_RESOURCE_TYPE)
      --service string         filter events by the originating service (env: ANCHORECTL_EVENT_SOURCE_SERVICE_NAME)
      --since string           return events that occurred after the ISO8601 formatted UTC timestamp
                               (env: ANCHORECTL_EVENT_SINCE)

For help regarding global flags, run --help on the root command

Event listing displays a brief summary of the event, to get more detailed information about the event such as the host where the event has occurred or the underlying the error:

# anchorectl event get c31eb023c67a4c9e95278473a026970c
 ✔ Fetched event
UUID: c31eb023c67a4c9e95278473a026970c
  Event Type: system.image_analysis.registry_lookup_failed
  Level: error
  Message: Referenced image not found in registry
    Resource ID: docker.io/aerospike:latest
    Resource Type: image_reference
    User Id: admin
    Source Service: catalog
    Base Url: http://catalog:8228
    Source Host: anchore-quickstart
    Request Id:
  Timestamp: 2022-08-24T22:08:28.811441Z
  Details: cannot fetch image digest/manifest from registry
Created At: 2022-08-24T22:08:28.812749Z

Clearing Events

Events can be cleared/deleted from the system in bulk or individually. Bulk deletion allows for specifying filters to clear the events within a certain time window. To delete all events from the system:

# anchorectl event delete --all
Use the arrow keys to navigate: ↓ ↑ → ←
? Are you sure you want to delete all events:
  ▸ Yes
 ⠙ Deleting event

Delete events before a specified timestamp (can also use --since instead of --before to delete events that were generated after a specified timestamp):

# anchorectl event delete --before 2022-08-24T22:08:28.629543Z
 ✔ Deleted event

Delete a specific event:

# anchorectl event delete fa110d517d2e43faa8d8e2dfbb0596af
 ✔ Deleted event

Sending Events as Webhook Notifications

In addition to access via API and AnchoreCTL, the Anchore Enterprise may be configured to send notifications for events as they are generated in the system via its webhook subsystem. Webhook notifications for event log records is turned off by default. To turn enable the ’event_update’ webhook, uncomment the ’event_log’ section under ‘services->catalog’ in config.yaml, as in the following example:

        enabled: True
        # (optional) notify events that match these levels. If this section is commented, notifications for all events are sent
        - error

Note: In order for events to be sent via webhook notifications, you’ll need to ensure that the webhook subsystem is configured in config.yaml (if it isn’t already) - refer to the document on subscriptions and notifications for information on how to enable webhooks in Anchore Enterprise. Event notifications will be sent to ’event_update’ webhook endpoint if it is defined, and the ‘general’ webhook endpoint otherwise.

Last modified October 25, 2023