Inspecting Image Content


During the analysis of container images, Anchore Enterprise performs deep inspection, collecting data on all artifacts in the image including files, operating system packages and software artifacts such as Ruby GEMs and Node.JS NPM modules.

Inspecting images

The image content command can be used to return detailed information about the content of the container image.

# anchorectl image content INPUT_IMAGE -t CONTENT_TYPE

The INPUT_IMAGE can be specified in one of the following formats:

  • Image Digest
  • Image ID
  • registry/repo:tag

the CONTENT_TYPE can be one of the following types:

  • os: Operating System Packages
  • files: All files in the image
  • go: GoLang modules
  • npm: Node.JS NPM Modules
  • gem: Ruby GEMs
  • java: Java Archives
  • python: Python Artifacts
  • nuget: .NET NuGet Packages
  • binary: Language runtime locations and version (e.g. openjdk, python, node)
  • malware: ClamAV mailware scan results, if enabled

You can always get the latest available content types using the ‘-a’ flag:

# anchorectl image content library/nginx:latest -a
 ✔ Fetched content                           [fetching available types]                                                                                                                                    library/nginx:latest

For example:

# anchorectl image content library/nginx:latest -t files
 ✔ Fetched content                           [0 packages] [6099 files]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   library/nginx:latest
│ FILE                                                                                               │ LINK                                                                                               │ MODE  │ UID │ GID │ TYPE  │ SIZE          │ SHA256 DIGEST                                                    │
│ /bin                                                                                               │                                                                                                    │ 00755 │ 0   │ 0   │ dir   │ 0             │                                                                  │
│ /bin/bash                                                                                          │                                                                                                    │ 00755 │ 0   │ 0   │ file  │ 1.234376e+06  │ d86b21405852d8642ca41afae9dcf0f532e2d67973b0648b0af7c26933f1becb │
│ /bin/cat                                                                                           │                                                                                                    │ 00755 │ 0   │ 0   │ file  │ 43936         │ e9165e34728e37ee65bf80a2f64cd922adeba2c9f5bef88132e1fc3fd891712b │
│ /bin/chgrp                                                                                         │                                                                                                    │ 00755 │ 0   │ 0   │ file  │ 72672         │ f47bc94792c95ce7a4d95dcb8d8111d74ad3c6fc95417fae605552e8cf38772c │
│ /bin/chmod                                                                                         │                                                                                                    │ 00755 │ 0   │ 0   │ file  │ 64448         │ b6365e442b815fc60e2bc63681121c45341a7ca0f540840193ddabaefef290df │
│ /bin/chown                                                                                         │                                                                                                    │ 00755 │ 0   │ 0   │ file  │ 72672         │ 4c1443e2a61a953804a462801021e8b8c6314138371963e2959209dda486c46e │

AnchoreCTL will output a subset of fields from the content view, for example for files on the file name and size are displayed. To retrieve the full output the --json parameter should be passed.

For example:

# anchorectl -o json image content library/nginx:latest -t files
 ✔ Fetched content                           [0 packages] [6099 files]                                                                                                                                     library/nginx:latest
  "files": [
      "filename": "/bin",
      "gid": 0,
      "linkdest": null,
      "mode": "00755",
      "sha256": null,
      "size": 0,
      "type": "dir",
      "uid": 0

Next Steps

Last modified October 25, 2023