View Applications from Source Repositories
To work with source repository data, you must first use AnchoreCTL or the Anchore API to load the source repository into the Applications view of Enterprise.
Once your data is brought in, you can go to the Applications tab to see the summary of the information. The information is categorized by applications, with sub-categories of application versions available from source repositories.
When you select an application version, you will see a list of artifacts associated with that application version.
You can download a report for everything in the application or for an individual artifact. The application level download supports JSON format. Artifact level download supports JSON, SPDX, CycloneDX formats.
When you select an artifact link, you will see the analysis options for that artifact. You can then view information about the artifact, such as the policies set up, the vulnerabilities, software bill of materials (SBOM) contents, and source metadata information.
If you want to set up policies, as well as mappings for an artifact, select the Policies tab and set them up there.
For information about policies, see Policies. For information about adding policy mapping, see Policy Mappings.