In February 2021, The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) created NIST SP 800-218, otherwise known as Secure Software Development Framework (SSDF), in response to a new executive order mandated by the federal government.

SSDF provides a comprehensive set of guidelines aimed at integrating security into the software development lifecycle, thereby enhancing the security posture of software products from inception to deployment. To verify and validate that organizations meet the controls needed to be SSDF compliant, CISA created an official SSDF Attestation Form that allows organizations to verify and attest that they adhere to the SSDF guidelines and comply with a subset of security controls.


Anchore provides a downloadable document that serves as an evidence attachment for the SSDF Attestation Form. The document makes the assumption Anchore Enterprise is used in the organization’s environment and is configured to scan the software that is in scope for the SSDF Attestation Form.

The SSDF Attestation Form consists of three sections that must be completed. Sections I and II cover organization-specific details, whereas Section III lists requirements against various security controls. The intent of this document is to provide guidance for first time applicants and help organizations save time collecting evidence required for Section III of the SSDF Attestation Form.


Detailed instructions to complete the form can be found on page 1. This document uses the official SSDF Attestation Form as its base template. Once completed, the document can be directly attached to an SSDF Attestation Form submission. Click below to obtain the form:

Download SSDF Attestation Form Guide and Evidence Output

Additional Resources

  1. SSDF Attestation 101: A practical guide for Software Producers - Download eBook
  2. Using the Common Form for SSDF Attestation: What Software Producers Need to Know - Read blog
  3. Automate NIST compliance and SSDF attestation with Anchore Enterprise - Learn more

If you want to contact one of our experts, please contact us.

Last modified August 1, 2024