S3 Object Store Driver

Using the S3 driver, data can be stored using Amazon’s S3 storage or any Amazon S3 API compatible system.

object_store: compression: enabled: False min_size_kbytes: 100 storage_driver: name: 's3' config: access_key: 'MY_ACCESS_KEY' secret_key: 'MY_SECRET_KEY' #iamauto: True url: 'https://S3-end-point.example.com' region: False bucket: 'anchorearchive' create_bucket: True

Example for AWS S3 in us-west-2:

object_store: compression: enabled: True min_size_kbytes: 100 storage_driver: name: 's3' config: # access_key: 'MY_ACCESS_KEY' # secret_key: 'MY_SECRET_KEY' iamauto: True #url: 'https://S3-end-point.example.com' region: us-west-2 bucket: anchoredata create_bucket: False

Example for Minio running in a Docker Compose setup on the same host network as Anchore (container named ‘minio’):

object_store: compression: enabled: True min_size_kbytes: 100 storage_driver: name: 's3' config: access_key: 'MY_ACCESS_KEY_FOR_MINIO' secret_key: 'MY_SECRET_KEY_FOR_MINIO' #iamauto: True url: 'https://minio:5000' #region: us-west-2 bucket: anchoredata create_bucket: False


The S3 driver supports compression of documents. The documents are JSON formatted and will see significant reduction in size through compression there is an overhead incurred by running compression and decompression on every access of these documents. Anchore Enterprise can be configured to only compress documents above a certain size to reduce unnecessary overhead. In the example below any document over 100kb in size will be compressed.


Anchore Enterprise can authenticate against the S3 service using one of two methods:

  • Amazon Access Keys Using this method an Access Key and Secret Access key that have access to read and write to the bucket. Parameters: access_key and secret_key

  • Inherit IAM Role Anchore Enterprise can be configured to inherit the IAM role from the EC2 or ECS instance that Anchore Enterprise is running on or is provided via Kubernetes service account. When launching the EC2 instance that will run Anchore Enterprise you need to specify a role that includes the ability to read and write from the archive bucket. To use IAM roles to authenticate the access_key and secret_access configurations should be replaced by iamauto: True Parameters: iamauto

S3 Endpoint and Bucket

  • url: (required if region not set) A URL to set to reach an S3-API compatible service if you are not using actual Amazon S3. If the URL is configured, the region config value is ignored.
  • region: (required if URL not set) The AWS region that is the primary bucket host (). If you are not using actual S3, this is probably not necessary unless your S3-compatible service requires it. If the ‘URL’ configured, this field is ignored.
  • bucket: (required) The name of the S3 bucket that Anchore will use for storing data.
  • create_bucket: (default: false) Try to create the bucket if it doesn’t already exist. This should be used very sparingly. For most cases, you should pre-create the bucket so that it has the permissions you desire, then set this to false.

Storing Object Store API key in a Kubernetes Secret

You can configure your object store API key to be pulled from a kubernetes secret as follows:

extraEnv: - name: ANCHORE_OBJ_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: minio-secret key: accessKey - name: ANCHORE_OBJ_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: minio-secret key: secretKey
anchoreConfig: catalog: object_store: storage_driver: name: s3 config: access_key: ${ANCHORE_OBJ_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY} secret_key: ${ANCHORE_OBJ_STORAGE_SECRET_KEY}

In this example the secret was called minio-secret but you can use whatever name you would like. The secret looks as follows:

Last modified December 16, 2024