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User Authentication


Anchore Enterprise offers Authentication via HTTP basic auth, SAML/SSO, LDAP and API Keys.

For more information about specific types of Anchore authentication, see the following topics:

1 - API Keys


API keys, or Application Programming Interface keys, are alphanumeric codes used to authenticate and control access to web-based services or APIs (Application Programming Interfaces). These keys serve as unique identifiers for developers or applications seeking permission to interact with Anchore Enterprise. API keys are commonly employed in software development to manage and secure the flow of data between different applications, allowing authorized access while preventing unauthorized usage. They play a crucial role in ensuring the integrity, security, and controlled usage of APIs, acting as a form of digital credentials for developers to connect their applications to external services.

Generating API Keys

A system user can generate an API key for self use. Some users have specific RBAC roles (ie account-user-admin) that allow management of API keys for other system users. For more details on generating and managing API keys, please refer to this section: Generating API keys

Generating API keys as an SAML (SSO) user

API keys for SAML (SSO) users are disabled by default. To enable API keys for SAML users, please update your helm chart values file with the following:

        allow_api_keys_for_saml_users: true

API keys are an additional authentication mechanism for SAML (SSO) users that bypasses the authentication control of the IDP. When access has been revoked at the IDP, it does not automatically disable the user or revoke all API keys for the user.

Using API Keys

API keys are authenticated using basic auth. In order to use API keys you need to use a special username _api_key and the password is the value that was output when you created the API key.


curl -u '_api_key:<API key value>' http://localhost:8228/v2/images

Caveats for API keys

API Keys generally inherit the permissions and roles of the user they were generated for, but there are certain operations you cannot perform using API keys regardless of which user they were generated for:

  • You cannot Add/Edit/Remove Users and Credentials.
  • You cannot Add/Edit/Revoke API Keys.

2 - User Credential Storage


All user information is stored in the Anchore DB. The credentials can be stored as plaintext or in a hashed form using the Argon2 hashing algorithm.

Hashed passwords are much more secure, but can be more computationally expensive to compare. Hashed passwords cannot be used for internal service communication since they cannot be reversed. Anchore provides a token based authentication mechanism as well (a simplified Password-Grant flow of Oauth2) to mitigate the performance issue, but it requires that all Anchore services be deployed with a shared secret in the configuration or a public/private keypair common to all services.


The configuration of how passwords are stored is set in the user_authentication section of the config.yaml file and must be consistent across all components of an Anchore Enterprise deployment. Mismatch in this configuration between components of the system will result in the system not being able to communicate internally.

  hashed_passwords: true|false

For all new deployments using the Enterprise Helm chart, hashed_passwords is defaulted to true.

All helm upgrades will carry forward the previous hashed_passwords setting.

NOTE: When the configuration is set to enable hashed_passwords, it must also be configured to use OAuth. When OAuth is not configured in the system, Anchore must be able to use HTTP Basic authentication between internal services and thus requires credentials that can be read.

Bearer Tokens/OAuth2

If Anchore is configured to support bearer tokens, the tokens are generated and returned to the user but never persisted in the database. Users must still have password credentials, however. Password persistence and protection configuration still applies as in the Password section above.

Configuring Hashed Passwords and OAuth

NOTE: Password storage configuration must be done at the time of deployment, it cannot be modified at runtime or after installation with an existing DB since it will invalidate all existing credentials, including internal system credentials and the system will not be functional. You must choose the mechanism at system deployment time.

Set in config.yaml for all components of the deployment:

Option 1: Use a shared secret for signing/verifying oauth tokens

    enabled: true
  hashed_passwords: true
  secret: mysecretvalue

Option 2: Use a public/private key pair, delivered as pem files on the filesystem of the containers anchore runs in:

    enabled: true
  hashed_passwords: true
  private_key_path: <path to private key pem file>
  public_key_path: <path to public key pem file>

Using environment variables with the config.yaml bundled into the Anchore provided anchore/enterprise image is also an option. NOTE: These are only valid when using the config.yaml provided in the image due to that file referencing them explicitly as replacement values.

ANCHORE_AUTH_SECRET = the string to use as a secret
ANCHORE_AUTH_PUBKEY = path to public key file
ANCHORE_AUTH_PRIVKEY = path to the private key file
ANCHORE_OAUTH_ENABLED = boolean to enable/disable oauth support
ANCHORE_OAUTH_TOKEN_EXPIRATION = the number of seconds a token should be valid (default is 3600 seconds)
ANCHORE_OAUTH_REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRATION = the number of second a refresh token is valid (default is 86400 seconds)
ANCHORE_AUTH_ENABLE_HASHED_PASSWORDS = boolean to enable/disable hashed password storage in the anchore db instead of clear text