User Groups


User groups are abstractions that allow an administrator to manage permissions for users across the system without having to manage each individual user’s permissions.

Administrators simply have to create a user group, define roles per accounts within the user group and then associate users with it. Users can be associated with multiple user-groups. Each user inherits roles from their user group as well as any explicitly defined roles.

Users can be explicitly added to a User Group (as described above) or SAML users can have an indirect membership of a user group based on their IDP associations.

Note: User Group management is strictly limited to admin users only.


  • User Group: A basic resource that grants roles and permissions to users on various accounts
        "name": "user-group-engineers",
        "description": "The group permissions for all engineers",
  • User Group Roles: A collection of roles associated with a user group, this can span multiple accounts and have multiple roles per account. E.g.
        {Account: "devs_account",    Roles: [“policy-editor”,”image-analyzer”]},
        {Account: "devops_account",  Roles: [“read-write”]},
        {Account: "preview_account", Roles: [“read-only”]}
  • IDP User Group Mappings: A set of User Groups that are mapped to a single Identity provider. E.g.
        IDP Name: "keycloak", 
        User Groups: [“user-group-engineers”, ”user-group-devsec”, ”user-group-auditors”]}
  • User Group Native User Member: A native user who has been explicitly associated with a User Group. This user inherits all roles from the User Group in addition to any roles assigned directly to this user.
  • User Group IDP Member: An SAML user who is an indirect member of a User Group. As the SAML user authenticates, the IDP’s User Group Mappings are used to determine if this user should be associated with a User Group.

Native users

Native users are users that are defined in Anchore Enterprise and do not authenticate using an external SSO endpoint. These users can be added to User Groups directly and inherit roles from the User Groups they are members of.

SAML(SSO) users

SAML users are users that authenticate using an external SAML IDP. These users can be associated with User Groups based on their group memberships in the SAML IDP.

SAML users are automatically added to a User Group based on their group memberships in the SAML IDP and the IDP’s User Group associations.

User Group management

User Groups can be managed from the Anchore Enterprise UI or using the Anchore Enterprise API.


User Groups can be managed using the anchorectl CLI tool. The following commands are available for User Group management:

  • To create a new User Group, use the following command:
# anchorectl usergroup add development --description "The development team"
 ✔ Added usergroup                                                                                                                                                                                                       
Name: development
Description: The development team
Group Uuid: 4a5d8357-1fc3-44cf-8a1c-9882406df656
Created At: 2024-03-20T15:57:20.086665Z
Last Updated: 2024-03-20T15:57:20.086669Z
Account Roles:
  • To list all User Group, use the following command:
# anchorectl usergroup list
│ NAME        │ DESCRIPTION          │ GROUP UUID                           │
│ development │ The development team │ 4a5d8357-1fc3-44cf-8a1c-9882406df656 │
  • To edit the description of a User Group, use the following command:
# anchorectl usergroup update development --description "New development team description"
 ✔ Update usergroup                                                                                                                                                                                                      
Name: development
Description: New development team description
Group Uuid: 4a5d8357-1fc3-44cf-8a1c-9882406df656
Created At: 2024-03-20T15:57:20.086665Z
Last Updated: 2024-03-20T16:00:17.989822Z
Account Roles:
  • To delete a User Group, use the following command:
# anchorectl usergroup delete development
 ✔ Deleted usergroup                                                                                                                                                                                                     
No results                                                                                                                                                                                                    
  • To add an account role to a User Group, use the following command:
# anchorectl usergroup role add development dev_account --role image-analyzer,image-developer,read-only,repo-analyzer
 ✔ Added account and role(s)                                                                                                                                                                                             
│ ACCOUNT/DOMAIN │ ROLES                                                     │
│ dev_account    │ image-analyzer, image-developer, read-only, repo-analyzer │

# anchorectl usergroup role add development devops_account --role read-only                                                
 ✔ Added account and role(s)                                                                                                                                                                                             
│ ACCOUNT/DOMAIN │ ROLES                                                     │
│ dev_account    │ image-analyzer, image-developer, read-only, repo-analyzer │
│ devops_account │ read-only                                                 │
  • To list all account roles for a User Group, use the following command:
# anchorectl usergroup role list development                                                                               
 ✔ Fetched usergroups accounts and roles                                                                                                                                                                                 
│ ACCOUNT/DOMAIN │ ROLES                                                     │
│ dev_account    │ image-analyzer, image-developer, read-only, repo-analyzer │
│ devops_account │ read-only                                                 │
  • To remove account role(s) from a User Group, use the following command:
# anchorectl usergroup role delete development dev_account --role image-analyzer,image-developer 
 ✔ Deleted role                                                                                                                                                                                                          
No results
  • To add a native user to a User Group, use the following command:
# anchorectl usergroup user add development -u dev_user
 ✔ Added user(s)                                                                                                                                                                                                         
│ dev_user │ 2024-03-20T16:30:20.092909Z │
  • To list all members of a User Group, use the following command:
# anchorectl usergroup user list development
 ✔ Fetched users within usergroup                                                                                                                                                                                        
│ dev_user │ 2024-03-20T16:30:20.092909Z │
  • To remove a native user from a User Group, use the following command:
# anchorectl usergroup user delete development -u dev_user
 ✔ Deleted user(s)                                                                                                                                                                                                       
No results
Last modified September 30, 2024