Download images locally
Follow these steps to manually transfer the images and deploy Anchore Enterprise on Docker.
- Download Images from a System with Internet Access On a machine that has internet access, pull all the relevant Anchore images: We will assume the latest Anchore Enterprise version is v5.15, so we will be pulling down these images (make sure to pull current version as needed)
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
- Save Images as Tar Files Once the images are pulled, save them as a tarball so that they can be transferred to the air-gapped system. Run the following command:
docker save -o anchore_images.tar \ \ \ \
This command will create a tar file (approx. 2.2GB in size) containing all the pulled images.
Transfer Images to the Air-Gapped Environment Now, transfer the anchore_images.tar file (via a memory stick or other means) to the air-gapped system.
Load the Images onto the Air-Gapped System On the air-gapped system, load the images from the tarball using the following command:
docker load -i anchore_images.tar
You can verify that the images have been loaded by running:
docker images
Deploy Anchore on the Air-Gapped System
Once the images are available on the offline system, you can proceed with the deployment using docker-compose.
- Download the Docker Compose File On a system with internet access, download the official Docker Compose file for Anchore:
curl > docker-compose.yaml
Transfer this file to your offline system (using a memory stick or similar method).
- Set Up and Deploy On the air-gapped system, place the downloaded docker-compose.yaml file in your working directory, along with your license file. Make sure the docker-compose.yaml file references the images by name and tag exactly as they appear on your local system.
Now, you can deploy Anchore with:
docker compose up -d
Docker will automatically use the locally loaded images if they exist with the correct name and tag, as referenced in the docker-compose.yaml file.