Deploying Anchore Enterprise on Amazon EKS

Get an understanding of the deployment of Anchore Enterprise on an Amazon EKS cluster and expose it on the public Internet.

Note when using AWS consider utilizing Amazon RDS for a managed database service.


  • A running Amazon EKS cluster with worker nodes launched. See EKS Documentation for more information on this setup.
  • Helm client installed on local host.
  • AnchoreCTL installed on local host.

Once you have an EKS cluster up and running with worker nodes launched, you can verify it using the following command.

$ kubectl get nodes
NAME                             STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION
ip-192-168-2-164.ec2.internal    Ready    <none>   10m   v1.14.6-eks-5047ed
ip-192-168-35-43.ec2.internal    Ready    <none>   10m   v1.14.6-eks-5047ed
ip-192-168-55-228.ec2.internal   Ready    <none>   10m   v1.14.6-eks-5047ed

Anchore Helm Chart

Anchore maintains a Helm chart to simplify the software deployment process. An Anchore Enterprise deployment of the chart will include the following:

  • Anchore Enterprise software
  • PostgreSQL (13 or higher)
  • Redis (4)

To make the necessary configurations to the Helm chart, create a custom anchore_values.yaml file and reference it during deployment. There are many options for configuration with Anchore. The following is intended to cover the minimum required changes to successfully deploy Anchore Enterprise on Amazon EKS.

Note: For this installation, an ALB ingress controller will be used. You can read more about Kubernetes Ingress with AWS Load Balancer Controller here


Make the following changes below to your anchore_values.yaml


  enabled: true
    - /v2/
    - /version/
  uiPath: /
  ingressClassName: alb
    # See for further customization of annotations internet-facing
  # If you do not plan to bring your own hostname (i.e. use the AWS supplied CNAME for the load balancer) then you can leave apiHosts & uiHosts as empty lists:
  apiHosts: []
  uiHosts: []
  # If you plan to bring your own hostname then you'll likely want to populate them as follows:
  # apiHosts:
  #   -
  # uiHosts:
  #   -

Note: There are alternative ways to access services within your EKS cluster besides ingress. It is used throughout this guide to expose the Anchore deployment on the public (or private) internet.

Anchore API Service

# Pod configuration for the anchore engine api service.
  # kubernetes service configuration for anchore external API
    type: NodePort
    port: 8228
    annotations: {}

Note: Changed the service type to NodePort.

Anchore Enterprise UI

  # kubernetes service configuration for anchore UI
    type: NodePort
    port: 80
    annotations: {}
    sessionAffinity: ClientIP

Note: Changed service type to NodePort.

Timeout Alignment between gunicorn & ALB

AWS ALB Connection idle timeout defaults to 60 seconds. The Anchore Helm charts have a timeout setting that defaults to 5 seconds which should be aligned with the ALB timeout setting. Sporatic HTTP 502 errors may be emitted by the ALB if the timeouts are not in alignment. Reference:

    timeout_keep_alive: 65

Note: Changed timeout_keep_alive from 5 to 65 to align with the ALB’s default timeout of 60.

AWS EKS Configurations

ALB Ingress

Please reference for installing and configuring AWS load balancer controller (fka alb-ingress-controller).

Anchore Enterprise Deployment

Create Secrets

Enterprise services require an Anchore Enterprise license, as well as credentials with permission to access the private DockerHub repository containing the enterprise software.

Create a Kubernetes secret containing your license file:

kubectl create secret generic anchore-enterprise-license --from-file=license.yaml=<PATH/TO/LICENSE.YAML>

Create a Kubernetes secret containing DockerHub credentials with access to the private Anchore Enterprise software:

kubectl create secret docker-registry anchore-enterprise-pullcreds --docker-username=<DOCKERHUB_USER> --docker-password=<DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD> --docker-email=<EMAIL_ADDRESS>

Deploy Anchore Enterprise:

helm repo add anchore

helm install anchore anchore/enterprise -f anchore_values.yaml

It will take the system several minutes to bootstrap. You can checks on the status of the pods by running kubectl get pods:

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
anchore-enterprise-analyzer-7f9c7c65c8-tp8cs                      1/1     Running   0          13m
anchore-enterprise-api-754cdb48bc-x8kxt                           3/3     Running   0          13m
anchore-enterprise-catalog-64d4b9bb8-x8vmb                        1/1     Running   0          13m
anchore-enterprise-notifications-65bd45459f-q28h2                 2/2     Running   0          13m
anchore-enterprise-policy-657fdfd7f6-gzkmh                        1/1     Running   0          13m
anchore-enterprise-reports-596cb47894-q8g49                       1/1     Running   0          13m
anchore-enterprise-simplequeue-98b95f985-5xqcv                    1/1     Running   0          13m
anchore-enterprise-ui-6794bbd47-vxljt                             1/1     Running   0          13m
anchore-feeds-77b8976c4c-rs8h2                                    1/1     Running   0          13m
anchore-feeds-db-0                                                1/1     Running   0          13m
anchore-postgresql-0                                              1/1     Running   0          13m
anchore-ui-redis-master-0                                         1/1     Running   0          13m

Run the following command for details on the deployed ingress resource:

$ kubectl describe ingress
Name:             anchore-enterprise
Namespace:        default
Default backend:  default-http-backend:80 (<none>)
  Host  Path  Backends
  ----  ----  --------
        /v2/*   anchore-enterprise-api:8228 (
        /*      anchore-enterprise-ui:80 (
Annotations:  internet-facing       alb
  Type    Reason  Age   From                    Message
  ----    ------  ----  ----                    -------
  Normal  CREATE  14m   alb-ingress-controller  LoadBalancer 904f0f3b-default-anchoreen-d4c9 created, ARN: arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:077257324153:loadbalancer/app/904f0f3b-default-anchoreen-d4c9/4b0e9de48f13daac
  Normal  CREATE  14m   alb-ingress-controller  rule 1 created with conditions [{    Field: "path-pattern",    Values: ["/v2/*"]  }]
  Normal  CREATE  14m   alb-ingress-controller  rule 2 created with conditions [{    Field: "path-pattern",    Values: ["/*"]  }]

The output above shows that an ELB has been created. Navigate to the specified URL in a browser:


Anchore System

Check the status of the system with AnchoreCTL to verify all of the Anchore services are up:

Note: Read more on Deploying AnchoreCTL


Anchore Feeds

It can take some time to fetch all of the vulnerability feeds from the upstream data sources. Check on the status of feeds with AnchoreCTL:


Note: It is not uncommon for the above command to return a: [] as the initial feed sync occurs.

Once the vulnerability feed sync is complete, Anchore can begin to return vulnerability results on analyzed images. Please continue to the Vulnerability Management section of our documentation for more information.

Last modified January 10, 2025