Deploy on Kubernetes using Helm

The preferred method for deploying Anchore Enterprise on Kubernetes is with Helm. The Anchore Enterprise Helm Chart includes configuration options for a full Enterprise deployment.

The README in the chart repository contains more details on how to configure the Anchore Enterprise Helm chart and should always be consulted before proceeding with a deployment or upgrades.

Note If you are moving from the Anchore Engine Helm chart deployment to the updated Anchore Enterprise Helm chart, see here for further guidance.

About the Helm Chart

The chart is split into global and service specific configurations for the core features, as well as global and services specific configurations for the optional Enterprise services.

  • The anchoreConfig section of the values file contains the application configuration for Anchore Enterprise. This includes the database connection information, credentials, and other application settings.
  • Anchore services run as a kubernetes deployment when installed with the Helm chart. Each service has its own section in the values file for making customizations and configuring the kubernetes deployment spec.

For a description of each service component see Anchore Enterprise Service Overview

Important Release Notes can be found in the README in the chart repository


Always check the README in the chart repository for prequisities before starting the deployment.

Installing the Chart

This guide covers deploying Anchore Enterprise on a Kubernetes cluster with the default configuration. Refer to the Configuration section of the chart README for additional guidance on production deployments.

  1. Create the namespace: The steps to follow will require the namespace to have been created already.

    export NAMESPACE=anchore
    kubectl create namespace ${NAMESPACE}
  2. Create a Kubernetes Secret for License File: Generate a Kubernetes secret to store your Anchore Enterprise license file.

    export NAMESPACE=anchore
    export LICENSE_PATH="license.yaml"
    kubectl create secret generic anchore-enterprise-license --from-file=license.yaml=${LICENSE_PATH} -n ${NAMESPACE}
  3. Create a Kubernetes Secret for DockerHub Credentials: Generate another Kubernetes secret for DockerHub credentials. These credentials should have access to private Anchore Enterprise repositories. We recommend that you create a brand new DockerHub user for these pull credentials. Contact Anchore Support to obtain access.

    export NAMESPACE=anchore
    export DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD="password"
    export DOCKERHUB_USER="username"
    export DOCKERHUB_EMAIL="[email protected]"
    kubectl create secret docker-registry anchore-enterprise-pullcreds --docker-username=${DOCKERHUB_USER} --docker-password=${DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD} --docker-email=${DOCKERHUB_EMAIL} -n ${NAMESPACE}
  4. Add Chart Repository & Deploy Anchore Enterprise: Create a custom values file, named anchore_values.yaml, to override any chart parameters. Refer to the Parameters section for available options.

    Important: Default passwords are specified in the chart. It’s highly recommended to modify these before deploying.

    Note: The RELEASE variable should not contain any dots.

    export NAMESPACE=anchore
    export RELEASE=my-release
    helm repo add anchore
    helm install ${RELEASE} -n ${NAMESPACE} anchore/enterprise -f anchore_values.yaml

    Note: This command installs Anchore Enterprise with a chart-managed PostgreSQL database, which may not be suitable for production use. See the External Database section of the chart README for details on using an external database.

  5. Post-Installation Steps: Anchore Enterprise will take some time to initialize. After the bootstrap phase, it will begin a vulnerability feed sync. Image analysis will show zero vulnerabilities, and the UI will show errors until this sync is complete. This can take several hours based on the enabled feeds. Use the following anchorectl commands to check the system status:

    export NAMESPACE=anchore
    export RELEASE=my-release
    export ANCHORECTL_URL=http://localhost:8228
    export ANCHORECTL_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret "${RELEASE}-enterprise" -o jsonpath='{.data.ANCHORE_ADMIN_PASSWORD}' | base64 -d -)
    kubectl port-forward -n ${NAMESPACE} svc/${RELEASE}-enterprise-api 8228:8228 # port forward for anchorectl in another terminal
    anchorectl system status # anchorectl defaults to the user admin, and to the password ${ANCHORECTL_PASSWORD} automatically if set

    Tip: List all releases using helm list

Next Steps

Now that you have Anchore Enterprise running, you can begin to learning more about Anchore Enterprise architecture, Anchore concepts, and Anchore usage.

  • To learn more about Anchore Enterprise, go to Overview
  • To learn more about Anchore Concepts, go to Concepts
Last modified August 14, 2024