
1. Configure variables

Ensure that the following credentials are set in in your Jenkins instance (Dashboard -> Manage Jenkins -> Credentials) as credential type “secret text”:


These are necessary for the integration to access your Anchore Enterprise deployment. The ANCHORECTL_PASSWORD value should be created as a repository secret to prevent exposure of the value in job logs, while ANCHORECTL_URL and ANCHORECTL_USERNAME can be created as repository variables.

2. Configure scanning mode

a) Distributed

This is the most easily scalable method for scanning images. Distributed scanning uses the anchorectl utility to build the SBOM directly on the build runner and then pushes the SBOM to Anchore Enterprise through the API. To use this scanning method, paste the following stage anywhere after your target container image has been built:

stage('Analyze Image w/ anchorectl') {
      environment {
        ANCHORECTL_URL = credentials("Anchorectl_Url")
        ANCHORECTL_USERNAME = credentials("Anchorectl_Username")
        ANCHORECTL_PASSWORD = credentials("Anchorectl_Password")
        // change ANCHORECTL_FAIL_BASED_ON_RESULTS to "true" if you want to break on policy violations
      steps {
        script {
          sh """
            ### install latest anchorectl 
            curl -sSfL  | sh -s -- -b $HOME/.local/bin 
            export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin/:$PATH"          
            ### actually add the image to the queue to be scanned
            ### --wait tells anchorectl to block until the scan 
            ### is complete (this isn't always necessary but if 
            ### you want to pull the vulnerability list and/or 
            ### policy report, you need to wait
            anchorectl image add --wait --from registry  ${REGISTRY}/${REPOSITORY}:${TAG}
            ### pull vulnerability list (optional)
            anchorectl image vulnerabilities ${REGISTRY}/${REPOSITORY}:${TAG}
            ### check policy evaluation (omit –detail if you just
            ### want a pass/fail determination)
            anchorectl image check --detail ${REGISTRY}/${REPOSITORY}:${TAG}
            ### if you want to break the pipeline on a policy violation, add "--fail-based-on-results"
            ### or change the ANCHORECTL_FAIL_BASE_ON_RESULTS variable above to "true"
        } // end script 
      } // end steps
    } // end stage "analyze with anchorectl"

b ) Centralized

Centralized Scanning: this method uses the “analyzer” pods in the Anchore Enterprise deployment to build the SBOM. This can create queuing if there are not enough analyzer processes, and this method may require the operator to provide registry credentials in the Enterprise backend (if the images to be scanned are in private registries). This method may be preferred in cases where the Anchore Enterprise operator does not control the image build process (the analyzers can simply poll registries to look for new image builds as they are pushed), and this method also allows the operator to simply queue up the image for asynchronous scanning later if vulnerability and policy results are not required immediately. If the user wants malware scanning results from Anchore Enterprise’s clamav integration, the Centralized Scanning method is required. To use this scanning method, paste the following stage anywhere after your target container image has been built. After building the image from your Dockerfile, this stage will tell Anchore Enterprise to scan the image, then it will display the vulnerability and policy results in the build log.

stage('Analyze Image w/ anchorectl') {
      environment {
        ANCHORECTL_URL = credentials("Anchorectl_Url")
        ANCHORECTL_USERNAME = credentials("Anchorectl_Username")
        ANCHORECTL_PASSWORD = credentials("Anchorectl_Password")
        // change ANCHORECTL_FAIL_BASED_ON_RESULTS to "true" if you want to break on policy violations
      steps {
        script {
          sh """
            ### install latest anchorectl 
            curl -sSfL  | sh -s -- -b $HOME/.local/bin 
            export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin/:$PATH"          
            ### actually add the image to the queue to be scanned
            ### --wait tells anchorectl to block until the scan 
            ### is complete (this isn't always necessary but if 
            ### you want to pull the vulnerability list and/or 
            ### policy report, you need to wait
            anchorectl image add --wait ${REGISTRY}/${REPOSITORY}:${TAG}
            ### pull vulnerability list (optional)
            anchorectl image vulnerabilities ${REGISTRY}/${REPOSITORY}:${TAG}
            ### check policy evaluation (omit –detail if you just
            ### want a pass/fail determination)
            anchorectl image check --detail ${REGISTRY}/${REPOSITORY}:${TAG}
            ### if you want to break the pipeline on a policy violation, add "--fail-based-on-results"
            ### or change the ANCHORECTL_FAIL_BASE_ON_RESULTS variable above to "true"
        } // end script 
      } // end steps
    } // end stage "analyze with anchorectl"
Last modified July 25, 2023