Base and Parent Images

A Docker or OCI image is composed of layers. Some of the layers are created during a build process such as following instructions in a Dockerfile. But many of the layers will come from previously built images. These images likely come from a container team at your organization, or maybe build directly on images from a Linux distribution vendor. In some cases this chain could be many images deep as various teams add standard software or configuration.

Docker uses the FROM clause to denote an image to use as a basis for building a new image. The image provided in this clause is known by Docker as the Parent Image, but is commonly referred to as the Base Image. This chain of images built from other images using the FROM clause is known as an Image’s ancestry.

Note Docker defines Base Image as an image with a FROM SCRATCH clause. Anchore does NOT follow this definition, instead following the more common usage where Base Image refers to the image that a given image was built from.

Example Ancestry

The following is an example of an image with multiple ancestors

A base distro image, for example debian:10

FROM scratch

A framework container image from that debian image, for example a node.js image let’s call mynode:latest

FROM debian:10

# Install nodejs

The application image itself built from the framework container, let’s call it myapp:v1

FROM mynode:latest
COPY ./app /

These dockerfiles would generate an ancestry graph:

debian:10-->|parent of|mynode:latest
mynode:latest-->|parent of|myapp:v1

Where debian:10 is the parent of mynode:latest which is the parent of myapp:v1

Ancestry within Anchore

Anchore automatically calculates an image’s ancestry as images are scanned. This works by comparing the layer digests of each image to calculate the entire chain of images that produced a given image. The entire ancestry can be retrieved for an image through the GET /v2/images/{image_digest}/ancestors API. See the API docs for more information on the specifics.

Base Image

It is often useful to compare an image with another image in its ancestry. For example to filter out vulnerabilities that are present in a “golden image” from a platform team and only showing vulnerabilities introduced by the application being built on the “golden image”.

Controlling the Base Image

Users can control which ancestor is chosen as the base image by marking the desired image(s) with a special annotation anchore.user/marked_base_image. The annotation should be set to a value of true, otherwise it will be ignored. This annotation is currently restricted to users in the “admin” account.

If an image with this annotation should no longer be considered a Base Image than you must update the annotation to false, as it is not currently possible to remove annotations.

Usage of this annotation when calculating the Base Image can be disabled by setting services.policy_engine.enable_user_base_image to false in the configuration file (see deployment specific docs for configuring this setting).

Anchorectl Example

You can add an image with this annotation using AnchoreCTL with the following:

anchorectl image add anchore/test_images:ancestor-base -w --annotation "anchore.user/marked_base_image=true"

If an image should no longer be considered a Base Image you can update the annotation with:

anchorectl image add anchore/test_images:ancestor-base --annotation "anchore.user/marked_base_image=false"

Calculating the Base Image

Anchore will automatically calculate the Base Image from an image’s ancestry using the closest ancestor. From our example above, the Base Image for myapp:v1 is mynode:latest.

The first ancestor with this annotation will be used as the Base Image, if no ancestors have this annotation than it will fall back to using the closest ancestor (the Parent Image).

The rules for determining the Base Image are encoded in this diagram

first_parent_exists{Does this image have a parent?}
first_parent_image[Parent Image]
config{User Base Annotations Enabled in configuration?}

check_parent{Parent has anchore.user/marked_base_image: true annotation}
parent_exists{Does the parent image have a parent?}
parent_image[/Move to next Parent Image/]

base_image([Found Base Image])
no_base_image([No Base Image Exists])

Using the Base Image

The Policy evaluation and Vuln Scan APIs have an optional base_digest parameter that is used to provide comparison data between two images. These APIs can be used in conjunction with the ancestry API to perform comparisons to the Base Image so that application developers can focus on results in their direct control. As of Enterprise v5.7.0, a special value auto can also be specified for this parameter to have the system automatically determine which image to use in the comparison based on the above rules.

To read more about the base comparison features, jump to

In addition to these user facing APIs, a few parts of the system utilize the Ancestry information.

  • The Ancestry Policy Gate uses the Base Image rules to determine which image to evaluate against
  • Reporting uses the Base Image to calculate the “Inherited From Base” column for vulnerabilities
  • The UI displays the Base Image and uses it for Policy Evaluations and Vulnerability Scans
Last modified August 7, 2024