Upgrading Anchore Enterprise
Upgrading from one version of Anchore Enterprise to another is normally handled seamlessly by the Helm chart or the docker compose configuration files that are provided along with each release. Those follow the general methods from this guide. See Specific Instructions section for special instructions related to specific versions.
Upgrade scenarios
Anchore Enterprise is distributed as a docker image, which is composed of smaller micro-services that can be deployed in a single container or scaled out to handle load.
To retrieve the version of a running instance of Anchore, the anchorectl system status
command can be run. The last column titled “CODE VERSION”, will display the running version of each service.
anchorectl system status
✔ Status system
│ analyzer │ anchore-quickstart │ http://analyzer:8228 │ true │ available │ 25 │ 4.9.5 │
│ apiext │ anchore-quickstart │ http://api:8228 │ true │ available │ 25 │ 4.9.5 │
│ rbac_manager │ anchore-quickstart │ http://rbac-manager:8228 │ true │ available │ 25 │ 4.9.5 │
│ notifications │ anchore-quickstart │ http://notifications:8228 │ true │ available │ 25 │ 4.9.5 │
│ catalog │ anchore-quickstart │ http://catalog:8228 │ true │ available │ 25 │ 4.9.5 │
│ rbac_authorizer │ anchore-quickstart │ http://rbac-authorizer:8228 │ true │ available │ 25 │ 4.9.5 │
│ reports_worker │ anchore-quickstart │ http://reports-worker:8228 │ true │ available │ 25 │ 4.9.5 │
│ reports │ anchore-quickstart │ http://reports:8228 │ true │ available │ 25 │ 4.9.5 │
│ simplequeue │ anchore-quickstart │ http://queue:8228 │ true │ available │ 25 │ 4.9.5 │
│ policy_engine │ anchore-quickstart │ http://policy-engine:8228 │ true │ available │ 25 │ 4.9.5 │
In this example the Anchore version is 4.9.5 and the database schema is version 25. In cases where the database schema is changed between releases, Anchore will upgrade the database schema at launch.
Pre-upgrade Procedure
Prior to upgrading Anchore, it is highly recommended to perform a database backup/snapshot by stopping your Anchore installation, and backup the database in its entirety. There is no automatic downgrade capability, thus the only way to downgrade after an upgrade (whether it succeeds or fails) is to restore your database contents to a state from a prior version of Anchore, and explicitly run the compatible version of Anchore against the corresponding database contents.
Whether you wish to have the ability to downgrade or not, we recommend backing up your Anchore database prior to upgrading the software as a best practice.
Upgrade Procedure (for deployments using Helm)
A Helm pre-upgrade hook initiates a Kubernetes job that scales down all active Anchore Enterprise pods and handles the Anchore database upgrade.
The Helm upgrade is marked as successful only upon the job’s completion. This process causes the Helm client to pause until the job finishes and new Anchore Enterprise pods are initiated. To monitor the upgrade, follow the logs of the upgrade jobs. These jobs are automatically removed after a subsequent successful Helm upgrade.
An optional post-upgrade hook is available to perform Anchore Enterprise upgrades without forcing all pods to terminate prior to running the upgrade. This is the same upgrade behavior that was enabled by default in the legacy anchore-engine chart. To enable the post-upgrade hook, set upgradeJob.usePostUpgradeHook=true
in your values file.
For the latest upgrade instructions using the Helm chart, please refer to the official Anchore Helm Chart documentation
- Anchore Engine Helm Chart (deprecated)
Enterprise v4.9.5
will be the last supported deployment with this chart.
- Anchore Enterprise Helm Chart
- Supports deployments of
Enterprise v4.9.5
and greater.
- Supports deployments of
Performing the Upgrade
View the release notes for the latest Anchore Enterprise chart version and perform any necessary steps prior to upgrading.
Update the Helm repository to get the latest chart version.
helm repo update
Upgrade Anchore Enterprise using the Helm chart.
export NAMESPACE=anchore export RELEASE=my-release helm upgrade ${RELEASE} -n ${NAMESPACE} anchore/enterprise -f anchore_values.yaml
Upgrade Procedure (example with docker compose)
Stop all running instances of Anchore
docker compose down
Make a copy of your original docker-compose.yaml file as backup
cp docker-compose.yaml docker.compose.yaml.backup
Download the latest docker-compose.yaml
curl https://docs.anchore.com/current/docs/deployment/docker_compose/docker-compose.yaml > docker-compose.yaml
Review the latest docker-compose.yaml and merge any edits/changes from your original docker-compose.yaml.backup to the latest docker-compose.yaml
Restart the Anchore containers
docker compose up -d
To monitor the progress of your upgrade, you can watch the docker logs from your catalog container, where you should see some initial output indicating whether or not an upgrade is needed or being performed, followed by the regular Anchore log output.
docker compose logs -f catalog
Once completed, you can review the new state of your Anchore install to verify the new version is running using the regular system status command.
anchorectl system status
Advanced / Manual Upgrade Procedure
If for any reason the automated upgrade fails, or you would like to perform the upgrade of the anchore database manually, you can use the following (general) procedure. This should only be done by advanced operators after backing up the anchore database, ensuring that the anchore database is up and running, and that all running anchore components are stopped.
- Install the desired Anchore container manually.
- Run the Anchore container but override the entrypoint to run an interactive shell instead of the default ‘anchore-manager service start’ entrypoint command.
- Manually execute the database upgrade command, using the appropriate db_connect string. For example, if using Postgres, the db_connect string will look like
$ anchore-manager db --db-connect "postgresql://$ANCHORE_DB_HOST/$ANCHORE_DB_NAME?user=$ANCHORE_DB_USER&password=$ANCHORE_DB_PASSWORD" upgrade
[MainThread] [anchore_manager.cli.utils/connect_database()] [INFO] DB params: {"db_connect_args": {"timeout": 86400, "ssl": false}, "db_pool_size": 30, "db_pool_max_overflow": 100}
[MainThread] [anchore_manager.cli.utils/connect_database()] [INFO] DB connection configured: True
[MainThread] [anchore_manager.cli.utils/connect_database()] [INFO] DB attempting to connect...
[MainThread] [anchore_manager.cli.utils/connect_database()] [INFO] DB connected: True
- The output will indicate whether or not a database upgrade is needed. It will then prompt for confirmation if it is, and will display upgrade progress output before completing.
Specific Version Upgrades
This section is intended as a guide for any special instructions and information related to upgrading to specific versions of Enterprise.
Upgrading Enterprise v4.x to Enterprise v5.15.0
Upgrading Enterprise to 4.4.1
If you are upgrading from an Anchore Enterprise version prior to 4.2.0, there is a known issue that will require you to upgrade to 4.2.0 or 4.3.0 first. Once completed, you will have no issues upgrading to 4.4.1. Please contact Anchore Support if you need further assistance.
Please Note: This issue was addressed in 4.5.0. Upgrading from a version prior to 4.2.0 will succeed in 4.5.0 and newer releases.
Last modified June 28, 2024