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On occasion, you may see a vulnerability identified by GHSA (GitHub Security Advisory) instead of CVE (Common Vulnerability Enumeration). The reason for this is that Anchore uses an order of precedence to match vulnerabilities from feeds. Anchore gives precedence to OS and third-party package feeds which often contain more up-to-date information and provide more accurate matches with image content. However, these feeds may provide GHSA vulnerability IDs instead of CVEs as provided by NVD (National Vulnerability Database) feeds.

The vulnerability ID Anchore reports depends on how the vulnerability is matched. The order of precedence is packages installed by OS package managers, then third-party packages (java, python, node), and then NVD. The GHSA feeds tend to be ahead of the NVD feeds, so there may be some vulnerabilities that match a GHSA before they match a CVE from NVD.

We are working to unify the presentation of vulnerability IDs to keep things more consistent. Currently our default is to report the CVE unless the GHSA provides a more accurate match.