Viewing Security Vulnerabilities

The image vuln command can be used to return a list of vulnerabilities found in the container image.

anchore-cli image vuln INPUT_IMAGE VULN_TYPE

The INPUT_IMAGE can be specified in one of the following formats:

  • Image Digest
  • Image ID
  • registry/repo:tag

The VULN_TYPE currently supports:

  • os: Operating System Package CVEs
  • non-os: NPM, GEM, Java Archive (jar, war, ear) and Python PIP CVEs.
  • all: Combination report containing both ‘os’ and ‘non-os’ vulnerability records.

The system has been designed to incorporate 3rd party feeds for other vulnerabilites.


To generate a report of OS package (RPM/DEB/APK) vulnerabilities found in the image including CVE identifier, Vulnerable Package, Severity Level, Vulnerability details and version of fixed package (if available).

anchore-cli image vuln debian:latest os

Currently the following the anchore-engine draws vulnerability data specifically matched to the following OS distros:

  • Alpine
  • CentOS
  • Debian
  • Oracle Linux
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  • Ubuntu
  • Amazon Linux 2

To generate a report of language package (NPM/GEM/Java/Python) vulnerabilities, the system draws vulnerability data from the NVD data feed, and vulnerability reports can be viewed using the ‘non-os’ vulnerability type:

anchore-cli image vuln node:latest non-os

Note: to enable ‘non-os’ scanning, the engine must be configured to sync the ‘nvd’ data feed - see Initial Configuration and Feeds for details.

To generate a list of all vulnerabilities that can be found, regardless of whether they are against an OS or non-OS package type, the ‘all’ vulnerability type can be used:

anchore-cli image vuln node:latest all

Finally, for any of the above queries, these commands (and other anchore-cli commands) can be passed the --json flag to output the data in JSON format:

anchore-cli --json image vuln node:latest all

Next Steps

  • Evaluate the image against policies you create.
  • Subscribe to receive notifications when the image is updated, when the policy status changes or when new vulnerabilities are detected.

Last modified May 14, 2019: Fix image references (fcb2422)