

In this section, you’ll learn about the requirements for installing Anchore Enterprise Feeds and configuring its components. The section also contains instructions for configuring Anchore Engine installation to use Anchore Enterprise Feeds. You can read more about Anchore Enterprise Feeds here



  • Ingress: Anchore Enterprise Feeds exposes a RESTful API by default on port 8228 however this port can be remapped.
  • Egress: Anchore Enterprise Feeds requires access to the upstream data feeds from supported Linux distributions and package registries
Host Port Description
linux.oracle.com 443 Oracle Linux Security Feed
github.com 443 Alpine Linux Security Database
redhat.com 443 Red Hat Enterprise Linux Security Database
access.redhat.com 443 Red Hat Security Data API
security-tracker.debian.org 443 Debian Security Feed
salsa.debian.org 443 Debian Security Feed
replicate.npmjs.com 443 NPM Registry Package Data
s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com 443 Ruby Gems Data Feed
nvd.nist.gov 443 NVD Database
git.launchpad.net 443 Ubuntu Data
alas.aws.amazon.com 443 Amazon Linux ALAS Data Feed
api.msrc.microsoft.com 443 Microsoft Security Update API
data.anchore-enterprise.com 443 Third Party Data Feeds


Ruby Gems project publishes package data as a PostgreSQL dump. Enabling the gem driver in Anchore Enterprise Feeds will increase the load on the PostgreSQL database used by the service. We recommend using a different PostgreSQL instance for the gem driver to avoid load spikes and interruptions to the service. The database endpoint for the gem driver can be configured using services->feeds->drivers->gem->db_connect parameter in config.yaml

Driver Configuration

Some of the feed drivers will require additional configuration steps, like retrieving an API or token key from a provider.

Github Driver

The Github driver requires to generate a Personal Access Token (PAT) which is associated with a Github Account. To generate this token, the user will be required to log in to Github and use the following url: https://github.com/settings/tokens/new

There are no special permissions needed for the token, so there is no need to select any scopes. A note may be added as a reminder for what the token is being used. At the bottom of the tokens page, click the Generate token button which will show a new page displaying the generated token. Make sure you copy that token and use it to configure the Github driver, the token will only be seen once in the Github interface.

Use the new token in config.yaml in the feeds section: for all components of the deployment:

        enabled: true
        token: "****************************************"

It is also possible to set the token with the following environment variable: ANCHORE_ENTERPRISE_FEEDS_GITHUB_DRIVER_TOKEN. Note that this is only valid when using the config.yaml provided in the image due to that file referencing them explicitly as replacement values.

MSRC Driver

MSRC driver requires access to Microsoft Security Update API for raw source data. Access to this API is gated by an API key. To request an API key head over to https://portal.msrc.microsoft.com/en-us/developer and create an account.

NOTE: The service may currently require @outlook.com, @live.com or @microsoft.com email address for generating an API key. If you do not have one of these email addresses, you can create a personal outlook account to access this service

Once an API key is available, the feed driver must be enabled and configured to use it

  • For quickstart and deployments using docker-compose.yaml: Find the feeds service definition and uncomment or add the following environment variables

  • For deployments using config.yaml: Update the feeds configuration section

            enabled: true
            api_key: <api-key>

Configuring Anchore Engine to use Anchore Enterprise Feeds

To configure Anchore Engine to use Anchore Enterprise Feeds, complete the following steps:

  1. Update the top level feeds property in Anchore Engine’s config.yaml to use the Anchore Enterprise Feeds endpoint:
    enabled: True
      vulnerabilities: true
      packages: false
      nvdv2: false
  url: 'http://enterprise-feeds:8228/v1/feeds'

In this example only operating system vulnerability data is synchronized, however the packages and NVD (for non-os package vulnerability matches) parameter can be set to true to configure Anchore Engine to synchronize NPM and GEM package data.

NOTE: The nvd parameter must be set to true to configure the Anchore Engine to download NVD vulnerability data, which used for matching vulnerabilities in non-operating system packages (NPM, GEM, Python, Java, NuGet).

  1. Restart Anchore Engine (or just the Policy Engine component containers if you have split services out into their own containers) for the config changes to take effect. If the policy engine cannot reach the configured url it will raise an error and terminate during the bootstrap process. You can check the policy engine logs in /var/log/anchore/anchore-policy-engine.log for errors on the url configuration. If the service start successfully then it was able to reach the Anchore Enterprise Feeds endpoint.

You should now have and Anchore Engine executing feed syncs against the On-Premises Anchore Enterprise Feeds.

Last modified March 31, 2021: fix typo in feeds installation (fa6eff2)